
Was anyone else upset when Miley Cyrus dissed all of those people on her webshow?

by Guest56390  |  earlier

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She dissed Nick Jonas and mocked Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. At first I thought she would be a good role model for children and now she is trying to cover it up by saying that "copying is the sincerest form of flattery"? what a joke! I agreed with her all the way when those photos of her let out. I mean, come on, shes just a teen having fun. But after all she said about her hating mean girls, she goes and makes fun of those people. Was anyone else as upset as me?




  1. I totally agree with Mauhan ♥s The Joker.

    Although, instead of punching her in the face, I want her to down a hefty glass of bleach.

    Miley Cyrus will be like the next Lindsey Lohan or Vanessa Hudgens.

    Oh my.

  2. can you please give more info because i don't know that she dissed them

    sorry! =)

  3. Hey i am 13 yrs old...And i used to love miley/hannah so much, she was so cute!!

    but know since all that happened i think shes jelous of Selena & Demi!!

    She was supposed to be a good role model for children...but not a lot of  ppl like ehr anymore!!!

  4. Miley Cyrus needs to grow up. She is very conceited. She needs to mature and act her age. She wants to be the center of attention. She needs to learn it is not all about her.

  5. Oh my god. Who cares?

  6. i don't watch her show. and no way i'm

    going to watch it because you brought

    it up. i'm not giving her the pleasure in

    seeing any more views on her little kid

    talk shows that kids only 12 and under

    watch because they have no lives and

    are/were wasting their summer away

    obsessing over her and the Jonas Brothers!

  7. good i hate nick jonas!

  8. Dude its ******* disney channel, who cares?

  9. for cryin out loud! will you all just CHILL OUT! everybody makes mistakes!!! when you're in the public eye and the whole world's watching you, just waiting for you to make a mistake, it's not like you aren't gonna make a mistake!!!!

  10. You're upset about Miley Cyrus? Seriously?

    Dude I'm not crazy about her either, but she's only 15.

    She's not supposed to be a good role model for kids (although that's a bonus), she's supposed to be an actress and singer.

    Nick Jonas is her ex boyfriend and I guess she's had a rough time.

    I don't know what's going on with Demi and Selena, but seriously.

    Haven't we all done something like that?

    It just so happens she has a really bright spotlight on her, and some sort of magnifying glass that makes her mistakes look bigger than ours.

    And you know how sometimes you get the urge to do something just because you can't? Didn't you sometimes do it and try to cover it up??

    When you're a celebrity like her, there's more things you can't she was just tempted, just like any other normal teenager would do.

    Oh and just so you know, I don't like her. I don't think she can sing OR act, but I do feel for her sometimes.

  11. no

  12. now do you finally realize miley is a annoying bizznatch?

  13. Honestly i knew nothing about it, but im so sick about hearing about her. :/  I dont really care enough...  But i have heard that shes been up to some...stuff.... (you know)  I  hope shes not too bad though.  So many young girls idolize her.  I mean YOUNG young girls.  Thats really all ive ever though about her, is that she better not s***w up too bad with all those little girls...

  14. Miley WHO?

  15. Yes, totally! OMG! I absolutely hated the way she dissed Selena and Demi && Nick- I seriously think she had a blow to her head!!! I cannot stand her anymore- her songs used to beso sweet and inspirational- guess she let the fame go to her head, huh? My sis is going thru. the Hannah Montana phase- singing her lame songs, acting bratty, and she even got HM clothes and backpack- I nearly puked! I just don't know what happened to her. Guess she's liek every other Hollywood girl- either messed up or on drugs and alcohol


  16. Nah, I don't think she was being mean. I agree with her actually... I think she's finally realizing that she doesn't want to be like all of those Disney clones. Plus, it was all over a guy (Nick Jonas) and I think it was her way of stating the fact that she's not too happy about the situation. I don't blame her.

  17. Yes. I love JB Demiand Selena and it made me very upset when she did that. She had no right. They didnt even do anything to her! She now suddenly hates the Jonas Brothers because Nick dumped her!  

  18. I don't like the Jonas Brothers, but that was f***ing rude.

    She's just jealous because Selena is dating Nick.

    I wanna punch Miley in the face. She deserves it.

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