
Was anyone ever told they were having a girl but gave birth to a boy??

by Guest62257  |  earlier

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I had my ultrasound at 19 1/2 weeks. She kept her legs closed the whole time then gave a peek for what must have been no longer than 2 seconds. Im so excited but Im so nervous the lady could be wrong. There were 3 dots which I do see in the picture she gave me but I am so worried that this lady doesn't know what she's talking about.




  1. It happens but not often. 18years ago they told my sister she was having a boy and she had a girl. Now how the heck do you mix that up, I have no clue.

  2. my friends mom was told that she was having a girl and bought everything for her..dresses and everything..and ended up having a little boy. maybe you could try getting another ultrasound in a few weeks. i was told i was having a girl with my first and i was scared towards the end of my pregnancy that she was going to come out a boy...but luckily she was a girl when she came out!! GOOD LUCK

  3. My youngest son was supposed to be a girl but surprise! He's a boy

  4. yes the exact thin happen to my friend and 2weeks ago she gave birth to a boy

  5. Whenever I have gone in for a sonogram, they have been correct. (4 times).I however am in your same situation. My baby had legs spread wide eagle. They said it was a girl at 17 weeks. Tomorrow we go for a 3D sono. Just want to be sure that we are actually having a girl as we have three boys. What does your heart tell you?? If she could see three lines, then I would feel confident. Usually the margin of error is small and those told the wrong gender were probably not given as clear a shot as they would have liked. The ones who were "disappointed" will tell you all the horror stories of wrong gender. At that many weeks you would have seen something!! Good luck and have fun with your new princess!~

  6. I remember after I had my son I was at Walmart and there was a girl with a CART FULL of baby stuff. She said she was told it was a boy in 2 ultrasounds and she ended up with a girl! She said the shock was so awesome that she couldn't help checking to see if she was really a girl! So there she was exchanging a million items. They were very nice to her and apparently the other baby stores were as well. Ultrasound is usually right but if there was no amniocentesis done they really can't guarantee. I am pretty sure you will be happy either way though. It's part of the journey! =)

  7. that happens all the time its not an exact science its just certain things they are looking for to confirm the s*x and to be human is to err

  8. My first unltrsound I had they said it was a girl and it was a boy. It is much more common for this mistake than a boy being a girl. B/c If they are in a certain postition than they cant see the s*****m and is said to be a girl. However, if said to be a boy, they can actually point it out so there's little room for error.

  9. My mom was told she was going to have a boy but it turned out to be a girl.

  10. No, never.

  11. Actually, when my sister in law was pregnant she was told that she's going to have a boy, she had a girl.

    Sometimes they get it wrong, but it's very rare. interestinglyenough, sometimes u need to trust ur gut feeling, when my sister in law was having contractions, she was thinking "too bad it's a boy, that red T-shirt I bought would look great on a girl!"

    May be in your next ultrasound u will be able to know,

    Good luck, I hope u have a healthy baby.  

  12. My sister...3 ultrasounds the Dr. said "it's a boy..." then they looked again and said "it's a girl..." he told her to come back in a week and  he would recheck...he told her never mind he was positive it was a she has baby shower and sets up nursery....everything is for a boy...she gives birth to a's very possible....

  13. it happened to my sister in law. She was told it was a boy. Had boy things picked out, etc., then when the baby was born it was a girl! my niece is almost 11 years old now.but with both my pregnancys, they told me through ultra sound I was having girls, and I gave birth to two girls.

  14. I swore that I was having a boy, but the U/S tech. told us that we had a little girl on the way. I thought that she had to be wrong so I asked her to look again and point the girl parts out to me and she did. These days the U/S technicians are very well educated and don't play any guessing games with baby gender. Of corse mistakes could be made, but it is unlikely. Good luck! and congrats on your little angel! ;)

  15. Yeah of course it's not 100%, but I highly doubt it's a very common thing as well.  

  16. They can never be 100% sure that you are having a girl.  Don't buy the pink yet.  Though there is a good likelihood that you are having a girl.  Congratulations, no matter what gender you have!

  17. I know a few people this has happened too.  If you're only having 1 ultrasound, I wouldn't buy too much pink yet!

    I have a boy and a girl and both my 19 week ultrasounds were correct.  I had many more with my son due to complications which confirmed it.  I only had that one with my daughter though, and we didn't buy too much or finish painting her room until we saw she was a girl with our own eyes!

    As some one who has one of each - it's definitely a win-win situation!  They're both great.

  18. I would get another sonogram, just to be sure, when I found out with my 3 children, I had more than one and I got to actually see the parts for quite some time. so be sure and pay $ for it if you have to!

  19. Im in the same situation you are in..i saw my baby at 21 weeks and according to the ultrasound its a girl but she has kept her legs closed every single time since...i have not been confirmed its a girl...i bought everything as if i was 100% positive its a husband has a feeling is a boy and tells me to expect the worst....either way ill be so happy but its just i would have to replace everything we have that is for a girl and money is so tight right now.....good luck and hope you do have a baby girl!!!

  20. No one can ever be 100% sure. My doctor said that it could take 32 weeks for the male genitals to drop.  

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