
Was anyone notified by email that Yahoo photos was closing???

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Was anyone notified by email that Yahoo photos was closing???

(I never received notice on either of the email accounts that Yahoo had on file for me and just went back to my archive of family photos and found it to be GONE! Yahoo betrayed my trust!)




  1. While it wasn't sent as an e-mail it was advertised on the mail websites as well as on the home page and every other yahoo site.They started advertising the closing of Photos a year before they closed it.Most people went to Flika to save their photos.

  2. You have no gripe coming. Yahoo made this public for nearly a year before Photos was closed, and then they kept it open a month or so longer because people either waited until the last minute or ignored the reminders. Where were you for the  year this was going on? Your archive of family photos didn't mean much if you ignored it for a year.

  3. I received several emails from Yahoo! notifying me that it was closing Photos and giving my the option to  move my photos. The emails came many months before Photos was closed. Maybe the emails went into your Spam folder and were deleted.

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