
Was anyone surprised that the Cape exams leaked?

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Were you ever offered the exams before you wrote them?




  1. nah why u think it have soooo much dummies with good grades.

    It going on at SEA level too.

  2. I was not surprised at all, this has been going on for a long time and there are officials who know this. When some people do their exams honestly there are others who don't and then are credited for their so called good work.

  3. I wasn't exactly surprised, but I was saddened.  It is really hard on all those students who are pacing themselves through tough exams, studying diligently, and now because of some corrupt, foolish people, they may have to write their exam over.  The majority of the students are honest, those people who were involved in the leakage are so short-sighted.

    No, I was never offered an exam before taking it.

  4. I prefer to accomplish great things on my own. I was never offered a CAPE paper before actually writing the examination (and I wrote the exam the very first year they started it) but I assure you, even if someone had offered me one I would not have mother did not raise me that way. I live by the old rule; "Honesty is the best policy." Blood, sweat and tears...that's the way to go.

    I'm not surprised that there was a leak. To tell you the truth, I get the feeling that this is not the first time this has happened. It just pisses me off that someone would do something like that when there are actually honest kids out there who try very hard to do it all on their own.

  5. This has never happened to me personally, or to anyone that I know personally, but it is not the first time that an exam had been leaked. Did this not happen with another exam earlier this year? The SEA?

    I had heard a similar story in another country, where the O'Level exams were leaked. It is very unfortunate though. Candidates should EARN their good grades, and EARN their places in prestigous schools by their brains, honesty and sheer discipline and hard work, not cheating. It is better when a person attains or achieves something by working for it.

    I do not know what is going on, or who is really responsible, but it is very unfortunate. I was saddened and disappointed, not really surprised when I heard the news.

  6. nope, 3/4 of the things we face everday has some sort of corruption in it.

    from getting an extra $5 off in a store when the manger is not looking, to, paying a police officer a sum of money to keep him quiet bout your stolen vehicles....

    so these things dont come as a shock at all....

  7. i was surprised at first, but now im aware of the situation, the shock has died. Its really a shame that someone do this, because it affects everyone in the long run, even employees. think about if this continues to happen, then the integrity of CAPE would be chalenged by international academic institutions. more students might turn to cambridge, then thats less money for CXC.. its a domino effect. discussion on:

  8. no... because when sea was going on some of the students papers were missing so really im not surprised in any way

  9. were we supposed to be surprised by the CAPE exams leak?  it does happen almost every year....just not necessarily in trinidad but it does happen. is nothing new.

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