
Was anyone surprised to learn that jade goody got cervical cancer?

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when you considered its a sexually transmitted disease




  1. I'm not sure of her situation,but Cancer of any kind is a terrible thing to have to go through I hope he gets better soon.It seems from what you say that it could be sexually transmitted but as the news is early I don't think she is even sure what is going on now.

  2. i suggest you go back to the source where you found out cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease.. are you really this thick.

    and how would you know about her sexual exploits anyway. your just speculating.. get a life!

    i have a phd in immunology==== thats the best one i have heard in a very long time... if you are that clever you will know that cervical cancer DOES NOT always come from the hpv virus. you would think if you were that educated you would know this.

  3. does not surprise me at all.

  4. not all cases of cervical cancer are transmitted sexually.

    i had to have a hysterectomy and my cervix removed because of cancerous cells. how dare you assume and tar everyone who has had the disease with the same brush!!!

    edit: if the questioner and one of the answerers had read the wikipedia site properly hpv actually accounts for 70% of cases.

  5. I would of been more surprised if she hadn't of sold the story to a national newspaper. Reality TV no hopers will sell any story to make money. Their lives are an open book to keep the population entertained and to keep the bankruptcy bailiffs from their door

  6. well said MARIA as you say not everyone who has or had cervical cancer has got the disease through sexual relationships. i know of one woman in my area who has never been near a man who got the disease.

  7. well i dont know about you lot, but the wikipedia link seems to be clear enough that the hpv can only be caught through sexual behaviour, and that hpv MUSt be present in order to develop the cancer. therefore, i dont know how that woman (referred to above) got cervical cancer if she had never had any sexual relationships with men.... unless the theory is incorrect?

    ive never heard of hpv though i have to say. the american cancer people conisider cervical cancer as a std.

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