
Was becoming an officer more prestigious during and before Vietnam era war?

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Since there were less opportunities for people to go to college etc.




  1. no i think its more prestigious now, the standards are very high, have a high washout rate, and also back in the day battlefield commissions were not uncommon, and that is almost unheard of in modern warfare.

  2. Yeah, that's why we called new Second Lieutenants "shave-tail" and "ninety day wonder".  

  3. I got out of the Marines as an O3. actually,I think the standards are much higher now.

  4. Was becoming an officer more prestigious during and before Vietnam era war?

    Before, During and After --  

    Being an Officer in the US Military (no matter the branch) is far better than many of the alternatives for college graduates..   I mean, like they could be a LOWLY politician or college professor!

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