
Was bleeding from implantation or from suppositories?

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I had my first IUI about a week and a half ago. At 7 dpo I was tested for hormone levels and had a low progesterone level so I was instructed to use vaginal suppositories right away. I used the suppository on Sunday night for the first time. The next morning (8 dpo) there was very light pink blood when I used the bathroom (after one wipe, that was it....sorry to be so graphic). I have not had any bleeding since although I have continued to use the suppositories. Do you think the bleeding was from using one for the first time or do you think it could have been an implantation bleed? If it was implantation bleeding on 8 dpo wouldn't HPT come back positive by 11 dpo or no?

(I took a HPT on 11 dpo but was BFN. Will have blood test on 14dpo).




  1. When I was on suppositories I bled every day for four weeks. It could be initial irritation of cervix, it could also be implantation. Good luck on your blood test.

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