
Was breaking dawn a HUGE dissapointment to you?

by Guest57525  |  earlier

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Well I am not finished yet but right now i find breaking dawn a huge dissapointment to me. Jacob imprinitng on nessie? Disgusting! it disturbs me! And I cant believe stephenie gave renesmee that nickname. What happened with jacob and bella falling in love? And I never even thought she would get pregnant anyways. By Edward. I loved jacobs POV but after that it got so boring to me... if jacob ended up with bella none of this c**p would have happened. I hate it how jacob gets the crappy side of the story if you know what i mean. Well at least him and bella are still friends... oh well. Right now I am on chapter 27... Im getting used to it. I mean I was so freaking pissed off when bella got all mad at jacob for imprinting on her daughter. like its his fault! But things are getting back to normal.. for now. Did you find breaking dawn a huge dissapointment? or did you like it?




  1. I 'effin hated it. Stephenie Meyer ruined my love for Twilight. And I hate how she always has Jacob to be perceived as a BAD guy. He's good, dammit!


    omfgggg..... yeah! I am totally in love with Jacob. And Taylor Lautner is fuckennn hot. :] I'm happy with the actor, but everyone else in the film is kinda junk. Except Carlisle and Alice, they were good, too.

    Ohhh... and I hate Bella. She is such an annoying little s***k.

  2. It was such a disappointment I had to fix it and write my own version.

    If you want something done right...

  3. it was okay just really cheesy and cliche in my opinion

  4. I really wanted Jacob and Bella to end up together and have a regular named kid.

  5. I thought it was a huge disappointment.

    I'm a diehard Team Jacober, and his ending felt like a slap in the face. It felt like a big "**** you" in my face. I was so revolted and disgusted by his ending. It could have been SO much better. The dynamic she set up with Jake/Leah was great; I wish Smeyer would have gone that direction instead of having him end up with She-Who-Should-Not-Have-Been-Horribly - Named. He deserved better than to be stuck as part of the family he never wanted to be a part of (the Cullens). He deserved better than being stuck as Bella's pet dog for all of eternity. He deserved better than having his free will taken away from him like that. Jake always represented *choice* in this series. And his choice was taken away.

    Imprinting destroyed Jake's character, too. Everything that made Jacob *Jacob* disappeared when he imprinted. He lost his personality and turned into this mindless, lovestruck, robotic puppy. He wasn't the Jacob I knew and loved. That fire-- that passion-- that I loved about Jake just went out like a candle's flame. He lost the feisty, spunky, sarcastic, persistent personality that I adored so much. (Lol I'm such a nerd. What can I say? I love Jake).

    Yeah, the book sucked. I returned it to the store :).

  6. huge disappointment

  7. I totally agree with you on everything. I hate how the book turned out it was a waste of my time. I wish I never read it.

  8. i agree with you 100% i hate bella

  9. all i hav to say is tht its was ok tho i do feel i wasted mi time reading it and lik u i waited whol year for this wen it wasnt even tht good

  10. I thought the book was great.  Team Jacob was a joke anyway.  Bella agreed to marry Edward at the end of Eclipse.  She already knew she loved Jacob too, but still chose Edward.  How did you even stay hopeful?  I think people are dissappointed because 1)Bella didn't end up with Jacob  2)Stephenie didn't make the s*x scene pornographic (wait 'til you're 18 and you can buy a movie) or 3)There isn't a fight even though there's all the built up for a fight.

  11. I agree with you and Why SO Serious.

    Breaking Dawn was a huge disappointment to me. I hate it. I actually LIKED the first 3 books but then THIS book--bam, it made me hate all the other books, too.

    I'm Team Jacob, too, I'm a diehard fan, really, I'm obsessed (but in a good way).

    Of course, I was HOPING he'd end up with Bella cuz she's everything he wants,, but I was expecting that he'd imprint on some cool girl (like that Lizzie chick in the park) but what did this crappy author do? She went against her own rules, ruined her characters' names, ruined the first three "kinda decent" books.

    And I agree with you, everything would be so much easier, better, logical if Jacob just ended up with Bella (though I think that's sh*t because Bella doesn't deserve an inch of Jacob...all she did was hurt him, hurt him, hurt him...). Cuz, you know, Jacob wouldn'tve imprinted, anyway. And they could have a normal, happy life. They could have a regular kid. With a decent name. They could both grow old. And die. No eternal damnation or blood drinking...just a NORMAL life. Well, sigh. No one is normal in Meyer's imagination. I think it would have had less negative reviews if they ended up together though. I mean, yeah, all the Edward fangirls would go MAD but they'd learn to understand and accept it..someday.

    But this ending Meyer give just unacceptable! I canNOT accept that he always has to be hurt, always has to have all the rotten endings! I hate Meyer for this. r****d. I don't think she's a genius. I'd say...J.K Rowling's a genius. I wasn't disappointed Harry ended up with Ginny. I wasn't disappointed in Deathly Hallows at all...I LOVED the Battle of Hogwarts! It kicked a*s! And the finding of the horcruxes! And the almost dying parts! And the plot! And the cliffhangers! And Twilight never had any of those great things! Because Meyer isn't a genius!

    I just hate Breaking Dawn. I hate Edward. I hate Bella.

    No, s***w that, I HATE them all. Except for Jacob. I don't like anyone in the Twilight series except for Jacob, Jane Volturi (HAH I LOVE her for torturing Edward!), Seth and Leah. End of story.

    I'm reading heaps of Twi fanfic to get rid of the disappointment, though.

    My final words (I swear this is the last of my rant lol)--


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