
Was bruce springsteen a draft dodger?

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Was bruce springsteen a draft dodger?




  1. Guest55575
    I've read on other web sites that he says that he was a draft dodger.
    I think all draft dodgers should be dropped off in the middle of Africa
    along with jane fonda.

  2. He turned his back on this country when it needed him the most. Now he's portaying himself as an American hero. Shame on him and anyone who thinks this is acceptable. He's nothing more than a coward and needs to be locked away.

  3. He was not a draft dodger. When his draft number came up, he reported to the induction center, but failed the physical because of a concussion and leg injury from a motorbike accident.

  4. he's enjoyed the freedom of singing in opposition to his government, without answering the call when uncle sam needed him.  f*g.

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