
Was charged 4 times for trying to purchase Scrabble game???

by  |  earlier

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Looks as if this is a serious problem, fraud if you ask me, and it needs to be taken care of ASAP!!! I'm not the only one this has happened to. I tried to download Scrabble through Yahoo and it turned my Debit/Visa Card down that had money on it. It turned it down four times and told me to use another card all the while putting charges on my card each time. How can this be??? This is fraud!!! Yahoo needs to fix this right away!

Does anyone know who I need to contact to get this straightened out. By doing this it put my account into the negative so I will be charged overdraft fees on top of it all. Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank You... A.M.M.




  1. Look on at you bank account online.

    It may show something like this

    Pre auth ATM #:  00000000 LOC:   $00.00

    If it shows this.  It could take up to 14 business days to come off.  

    If it is hard posted.  Then you need to go into the bank and dispute them.

    You can download a free scrabble game at winsite.  I think that where I saw it.

  2. Call the bank/company that handles your Debit/Visa Card immediately and they'll handle it.

  3. Report this to Visa right away!!

    Let them look after it for you.

    They may (will) refund the overcharges.

    But, the sooner you do it the better your chances are of having the charges reversed.

  4. You should contact your bank (or whoever issued you the debit card) about this. They have staff members trained in taking care of these types of issues.

    I hope I've helped.

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