
Was childbirth boring?

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My sister just had a baby - and I was sharing birth stories with my stepmother when something occurred to me.....are there any BORING birth stories? Sure, some have a story that would qualify as a NORMAL birth, but no matter how you look at it - even a normal birth is amazing. If you have a c-section, you have had a surgery, which is insane considering that you have to care for a baby afterward. If you have a vaginal delivery - well, that one speaks for itself, I think. My mom was knocked out cold for the vaginal delivery of my brother and I, and I am still trying to figure out how that works. I would love it if someone could convince me that they've had a boring childbirth experience!




  1. Your mom had what is called a twilight sleep birth. It's actually pretty horrific. It allowed women to give birth, feel all of the pain but just not remember it. If you watch videos of it it's far worse than any unmedicated birth I have every seen.

    Anyway to answer your question, no mine wasn't boring either. I had 29hrs of labor that was nothing what I had expected or planned for.

  2. AAHH! I'm 15 weeks pregnant with my first child and ive always had the biggest fear of giving birth (honestly this pregnancy was totally unexpected and I never even intended to have children) and all of these stories have just scared the living c**p out of me yet again!

    but now to answer the question...I dont think any birth is "boring" I think its horrific and scary but at the same time just such a blessing because you are bring a new life into this world and that could classified as boring.

  3. I don't think it's possible for a birth to be boring! Even if it is completely textbook the outcome keeps it from being boring. Plus there is absolutely nothing boring about the pain of a natural drug free childbirth! I was in labor (active with painful contractions) for 52 hours. I went to work for the first whole day, then went back the next morning. I had a doctors appt mid morning, and he made me go to labor and delivery and stop working. Mine was pretty fun actually. Everything about the experience was absolutely amazing! If anyone thought their birthing experience was boring they are absolutely nuts and probably shouldn't be having kids!

  4. How can they possibly be boring?!?! You are giving birth.  There is no possible way that any story is boring.  
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