
Was christ born on Christmas Day?

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Was christ born on Christmas Day?




  1. yes he was born to Mary and Joseph

    they were looking for a shelter and everybody said no except for one man he wanted to help and all he can give to the was a barn house and in there was barn animals and so the three kings came with there gifts

  2. There are no record of the exact date but by looking at the bible many times over they believe that it was around the 25.

  3. yes he was :]

  4. Not known. There is nothing in the bible to settle the question. It is not so cold in Palestine in december that shepherds could not be out. It has, however, been the day on which many Christians celebrate his birth for around 1800 years.

    It was chosen by Christians in around the 3rd century (200-300 AD) and was not, at the time, a traditional pagan festival day in the Roman Empire. It came just after the feast of Saturn - Saturnalia. A Roman Emperor did institute a festival on December 25th in the 3rd century but it is not known whether Christians chose the day for Christmas before or after that.

  5. No. No one will ever know the exact date he was born. However, Christmas day is the traditional holiday where we celebrate the birth of Jesus. He could have been born during any time of December.

  6. u mean instead of christmas eve? yes

  7. yessssssss

  8. Nobody Knows, but does it mater? According to Luke 2:8 the shepherds were out in the fields watching their flocks at night. This is apparently unlikely to take place in the winter and is thought by some to have been late September, which would make the end of December of the previous year as the time of the miracle of the incarnation. The adoption of December 25 has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual date of Jesus' birth. This is not an unusual thing even in modern times as a holiday for the birthday of the Queen Elizabeth II of England is not held on her actual birthday either.

  9. No.

    I'm not an expert on the subject, but from some research I've read they say that it was most likely in the spring.  Since Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem for the census.  Most scholars say that the census back in those times took place in the spring so more than likely that's about what time he was born.  

    The reason Christmas is in the winter is because of a Pagan holiday that celebrated the return of spring.   Christians kind of took over the holiday and tweaked it with Christian ideas about the birth of Christ.

  10. Christmas "Cristes maesse" is celebrated on December 25th, although this day is not considered Jesus' actual birth day.  This date was chosen by the church some 300 hundred years later as the time to celebrate.  Some believe Jesus was born in the autumn while others the spring, partly because of the shepherds being in the fields watching their flocks.

    When the calendar changed some churches (for example the Eastern Orthodox) chose to stay with the old calendar so they celebrate on January 7.

    There are lots of websites which discuss this.   The Catholic Encyclopedia has some good details (

    Hope this helps.

  11. Christ was born on whatever day you want.  Christians have chosen Christmas day to celebrate his birth.  His celebrated birthday would mean the same no matter what day was chosen  as his birthday.

  12. Nobody really knows, but it was cold.

  13. No. It was set on December 25th because that's around when the Pagans were celebrating yule. The Christians chose the date and included many of their traditions (which are still used today) to make it easier for the Pagans to convert. Most people agree Christ would probably have been born in the Spring.

    Note: I am not telling anyone they cannot celebrate for Christ, I am simply stating how it came to be on that day and how many of our traditions were formed.

    *sigh* Thumbs down. Of course. Just because it's not what you want to hear doesn't MEAN it's not the truth!

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