
Was diana killed?

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Is it true that the british intelligence had Diana bumped off because she was 9 weeks pregnant with a muslim kid ?

And if its true, do you think it was the right thing to do ?

or, do you think Diana, being Royalty shud have conducted herself better. I mean, i am nobody to question another womans s******g around tendencies, but couldnt she just have stuck to white guys.

Im not being racist, but a future queen s******g an Arab Dodi was not a very clever thing, was it ? I mean, you have British soldiers dying for the honour of their country, then shud not a woman in such a resoected position have had some more balance of mind ?




  1. If that is true who's going to tell you. who are you compared to power. Her, conduct was of her being who she was, not how you think she should have behaved. who tells you what to do? You, seem to be that which you say you are not. Check the semantics of "honor". By the way is there a problem for brothers to have different religious backgrounds. The sharing of global real-estate, politics, economics, etc..,. Dogma is a dog.

  2. Well said Genntri

    "A free thinking Being"

    A breath of fresh air

  3. The autopsy showed she was not pregnant and that her driver was extremely intoxicated and driving at an extreme rate of speed. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

  4. Yes she was killed by a drunk driver being chased by other cars. Silly girl did not wear a seat belt. Please do a bit of s$# education and note she did not know him long enough to be carrying a child, unless sit belonged to one of the other men in her life . The only conspiracy is why so many people on this site have taken to declaring it a site for Saint Diana and not just for royalty

  5. Eeeevery   time   a  person    who is   "famous"    dies  unexpectedly,    the conspiracy  theorists who  are   forever   scuttling  around  in the woodwork,   come out    and   twitter   their   wacky  notions.       Famous  people   are   just  not supposed to die  in   ordinary   ways  like the   rest of us "nobodies"       They  are supposed  to  die  surrounded   in  either  a blaze of  glory  or a  cloak of   dark  mystery and intrigue.         If  there  IS  no mystery  and  intrigue,  well  then, somebody has   to   invent  it.             Not to mention  the  fact  that by   coming up  with these   complex    stories  of  conspiracy  and "assassination",   the   people   who  devise  them secretly   hope  that  they, too,  might manage   to  squeeze  themselves  into a   small  corner of   the  history books sometime in the future,   where  they   almost  certainly would otherwise  have   died  in complete  anonymity.

                 A  good  example  is  the American   Couple   who  happened  to be passing  at  the moment of the  crash in the tunnel.    I   have  watched  them   being interviewed  on t.v.   and it  was  absolutely plain  and clear  that  they  were  just  basking   in  the limelight  of  their   fifteen  minutes of   celebrity.      I'll bet  a  dollar to a  mountain of doughnuts  that  it wont be long before  we hear  that   the  two of them  have  "written  a book"  about   their  role   in  this  now  world-famed    car  wreck in which   Dodi  Fayed  and   Princess Diana   lost their lives.    You hide  and  watch  LOL.

               Incidentally,  Diana   was  NOT  the  future   queen.    She had   long been divorced  from Prince   Charles,    she  was  no  longer officially   a member of the  Royal Family,  and  her only   remaining  connection  to   anything   to do  with   the  Monarchy   was   as the mother of    the   two  boys   who   were themselves  in line  for  the throne.       Diana   was    a  single  woman,  as  free  as   air  to   have    any  kind  of  relationship   she   wanted to,  with  anyone  she   chose to have it with.     Dodi  Fayed  was, by  all accounts    a perfectly   respectable    man,   also  single  and  free,  and    was  the son  of  an  equally   respectable   wealthy    businessman.   There   is no   reason in the world   to  condemn  Dodi  in   any  way   merely because he  was  born   in Egypt.           I   do  not   personally    join in  the   fanatical  and  ridiculous   over-adulation of  Diana,    but   the  death of these  two people,  in what  was nothing more  than  a  terrible  accident,   was  still   tragic  and untimely.    Had  they  lived,   and  chosen  in time   to   marry,   then  that would have  been  their absolute  right to do so,   and I  certainly would have  wished  them well.   You   say you  are  not   a  racist,  but   you  have  made comments     that  make it  very clear   that   exactly what you  are.

  6. she was miserable in her personal life.

    she felt she didnt deserve what she faced.

    so let's be kind to her . let's ask for God 's forgiveness for her and all  miserable humans.

  7. If her husband can blatantly mingle with his un-royal choice and the world knew, what do you blame the Princess for?

    God Bless her precious soul!

  8. Yes she was out of her mind but remember Charles decieved her first. He was having an affair with a horse hag for about 10 years before her and while marrying Di. Second she was bumped off... rich people always do it as you know many indians also have people eliminated. Happens. Its sad... she wanted love - never got... people misconstrued her as just a toy but she was a passionate loving and caring soul. Muslim? yes she should have conducted herself better but love is love and it happens alot to all of us.

  9. Conspiracies !!!  I just hate conspiracies !!!

    She was murdered by a drunk driver her boyfriend told to drive them !!!  Stop being dumb !!!

  10. we will never ever know if diana was killed but if she was it would have been for all those reasons and that is f**k**g sick.

  11. Diana was killed, but by the papparazi and a drunk limo driver, not the Royal Family - (plus by not wearing seat belts, no one ever seems to mention that!).

    Several medical tests have shown conclusively that she was not pregnant.  And the Royal Family really had nothing to gain anyway with her dying so I don't believe it for a second.  

    She was a very special lady and she will be missed for a long time.

  12. First, she only knew Dodi for two weeks so she was not 9 weeks pregnant.  (Her own brother reiterated this).

    Secondly, all this took place before September the 11th terror attacks at the World Trade Center so the west was not embroiled in an Iraqi/Afganistan/terrorist war.

    Thirdly, the match was Dodi's father's idea.  He called Dodi back from California (where he had a girlfriend) to hit on Diana.  This was done so that he could get British citizenship which he has repeatedly been denied.  Many of Diana's close friends and family (her brother included) feel that she was happy to have an affair but that's it.  She even told friends that it was the best vacation ever but she needed  a marriage about as much as a bad rash.  In other words, he was not a candidate for a life partnership!  (The diamond ring he wanted to buy in Paris for her was expensive but not an engagement ring.  For the very wealthy Al Fayeds it was not a lot of money).

    Fourth, out of CLOSE family and friends, it is only the Al Fayed Family that has insisted that they were going to get married and that it was a conspiracy.

  13. there should be no barriers between Gods creations

    this year it is the arabs that our leaders tell us are the people to hate and look down on

    during world war two it was the Germans Italians and j**s

    during the settlement of the USA it was those heathen Injuns

    earlier it was the Teutonic hordes

    before that it was the barbaric Huns

    but other than the leaders or the armies,

    all those people were just people raising their children and children playing with grandparents while teens were exploring each other in the deep woods or far fields

    one of the reasons I respect Diana is that she became a 'World Citizen' after being thrown away by her husband, she didnt become a woman without a country, she became a woman of the world

    This world needs more Heroes like her

    even if just to give you something to ponder on

  14. You cannot half tell who lives their lives through television! This is getting ridiculous
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