
Was driving my friend home, who lives 15 miles away, worth $10? With the price of gas today.?

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Gas costs $3.99 around here at the moment.

I get 23 miles per gallon.

I just drove from my house to my friend's and back to my house.

So a total of 30 miles.

She gave me ten dollars for gas.

Was it worth it?




  1. Nothing ventured nothing gained! Keep it up. You took a little extra though!

  2. Sounds like a good deal to me.

  3. Well I do not know what you are wanting to hear but the way I figure it, if she just paid for the gas alone, it wouldv'e been worth $5.21. Sounds about right to me!And she even kicked in some for your friendship.

  4. Well, to do 23miles, it costs you $4.

    So, to do 30miles, it would cost you approx $4.50

    So you friend paid your fuel (fair enough) plus $5.50 for you to drop them home. Do you feel right charging your friend?

    I took my friend to a Doctors appointment yesterday, approx 150km's away from me, and return, so 300km's all up and did it for a can of coke and a mars bar. I dont like to charge my friends for helping them.

  5. Do they not teach math in school anymore?  Or are you just too lazy?

  6. Instead of looking just at the cost of gasoline, use the mileage allowance the IRS gives for personal driving, since this isn't business driving.  

    The IRS allows 19 cents per mile, so at 30 miles, you'd be allowed $5.70 mileage cost.  It just about covers your fuel cost, but I'd say $10 was sufficient payment, considering your time to drive.

    For business mileage, the IRS allows 50.5 cents, which would come out to $15.15, but that includes not only fuel, but wear and tear and especially a depreciation number which doesn't apply to you, since your car depreciates sitting in your driveway almost as quickly as driving down the road.

    $10 is smack in the middle and a more than fair reimbursement for your trip.

  7. Good for you!

    You are the only person who knows if it was "worth it"

  8. Your friend paid $10. It's worth it.

    Since gas is $3.99 a gallon and you get 23 mpg, It would cost you $5.20 to drive 30 miles. Your friend gave you $4.80 extra. Everything's peachy.

  9. You earned about $5. You used just over a gallon of fuel for the trip, so it only cost you $5 to drive there and back. But if you went to do her a favor, then you might be even.

  10. I don't know...but you are UGLY!!

  11. You used approximately 1.3 gallons of gasoline,  or about $5.50 worth.   Was your time worth the rest?

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