
Was earth hour successful?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard no reports or statistics on it and whether people actually did it or not. Lol, did it even happen?




  1. we need an earth hour every week - then maybe we could start to make a small difference!

  2. of course! everything helps! next year even more people will have heard about it and then they will participate!

  3. It was a start, but those that heard of it

    and didn't participate are minus results.

    If it was LOL then you really don't care!!

  4. we were going to but then kinda forgot - whoops!

  5. I thought about it, but I only use lights when I really need them anyway. It wouldn't have made a difference.

  6. No - Lights use so little power that there was no effect felt at the power station.

  7. no idea

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