
Was electing Sara Palin a mistake for John McCain?

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She is very inexperienced




  1. Not only is she inexperienced, she is under investigation for abusing her pubic office.

    She apparently fired her pubic safety director for not firing her bother-in-law without cause.

    It's a lot like Bush's firing of all the attorneys in the Justice Department, except for personal reasons instead of political motivations.

    From the public records and tapes, it looks like she let a custody battle between him and her sister take precedence over the law.

    She'll probably be arrested before Election Day.

  2. Big mistake. McCain is OLD and needed a strong and experienced VP candidate given his age. Sara is basically an unknown.  

  3. No - Palin is a Splendid choice and she will make a Wonderful VP (and future President)! It just goes to show that McCain is a true maverick, reformer & genius who picks likewise!


    * has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska)

    * is a vocal, huge proponent of American energy independence & Alaskan drilling

    * has actually been leading people for the past several while Obama & Biden NEVER have led anyone!

    * shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    * will join McCain in fighting hard against earmarks

    * is a huge fighter of corruption in Alaska

    * is about as far outside the Beltway as you can get

    * ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending

    * is the mother of 5 kids!

    * has had her son deploy to Iraq

    * is for a strong US defense

    * is a widely acknowledged rising star in the Republican party

    * is an ice fisherman

    * is a moose hunter

    * is a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot - who truly represents Americana (Motherhood & Apple pie)!

    McCain/Palin '08


  4. Mc Cain blew it big time!  Of all the

    female VP hopefuls, he chose her.Why?  

    Her qualifications include:

    Wassila High School basketball player

    Miss Wassila

    Miss Alaska (Runner Up)

    Attended North Idaho College

    BA Degree from the University of Idaho

    Anchorwoman for the KTTU News, weather and sports in

    Anchorage, Alaska

    Wasilla City Council member

    Mayor of Wasilla

    Governor of Alaska.

    But, her family life is too dysfunctional:

    She has 5 children.  At age 43, last April her unplanned baby boy was born with Down Syndrome. Her oldest son is deployed and fighting in Iraq. Her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant. Her grandchild  is going to be the same age as her own son!  Her husband is an unemployed Mr. Mom. Can't get much worse than that!  She has too many problems!  If she cannot control her own family, how is she going to uphold the 2nd highest office of this nation? If Mc cain wins this election, she will be a heartbeat away from the presidency.  That will make Mc Cain unimpeachable.

  5. Not for me.  I've been upset not knowing who to vote for.  I'm a conservative but have been hesitant about McCain because he seems too volatile to control the red phone.  So now I am settled, I'll vote for McCain/Palin and hope that his health gives out.  She seems like she's got common sense and given a good cabinet and the wisdom to recognize when to listen to them I'd rather have a newbie than McCain or Obama.

  6. No mistake, A fresh face in Washington May be the ticket that is needed. O'Bama was fresh and did squat  be he was part of the 'Good old boys' network and Biden has been around long enough that He has enemy's on BOTH sides of the floor. Plus He alienated over half the US population with his anti-gun bills.

    Sara hasn't made any enemies yet and is has just the stand that conservatives are looking for.

    Did you ever stop to realize that if the Demo's hadn't been so quick to murder their children they would now have enough votes to overwhelm the election. Too bad, keep up the 'good' work.

  7. Uh, she hasn't been elected.

    McCain chose her to be his running mate.

    Her inexperience in foreign policy doesn't bother me.  Don't know how I'm voting yet, by the way.  But read up on her, very interesting story and the woman has "balls".  She really cleaned up some republican corruption in Alaska.  And she knocked an incumbent Governor out of office--not an easy task.  Why not have her for a VP before she is jaded by years in politics?

  8. She was chosen by McCain, not elected. And it was one of the smartest things he has ever done. Who has experience?

    No president or vice president have experience until they run for a second term. This is a silly argument.

    If Carter or Bush can run the country, so can Sarah Palin. Besides she is going to be the vice president, not the president.

  9. I believe so, but time will tell.

  10. Is the the best woman McCain could find??  God help the GOP.  He obviously has a weakness for pretty, young women.  What a disgrace & insult to the party.

  11. Yes...terrible mistake.  I don't want to wake up every morning hoping that John McCain is still alive.  she has accomplished some good things but this alone does not qualify her to be Vice President and I certainly wouldn't regard her as "presidential".  This was obviously a calculated choice for McCain who claims to be such a "Maverick".  Between Obama and McCain I will vote for Obama but until he made this choice I would not have been dissapointed to see Mccain in the White House either until now.  Now I am afraid.  If this is an example of the kind of decisions John Mccain would make as President then we should all be concerned !

  12. A huge mistake.  

  13. The good ole boys in the Republican party are going to be majorly p.o.'d that he picked a female because they aren't too fond of females.  The war-mongers in the Republican party are going to be p.o.'d because they would like a male to declare war on... uh...  well, anyone actually!  The Bushites would like a Republican man with experience in case McCain's months are numbered.  McCain is, after all, a fairly old man, and they sure don't want a female heading this country.  The Christian Republican males who believe women are best at home raising their kids and not leaving them with nannies are p.o.'d that he's picked a feminist to run with him.  Heck, even Christian Republican females think this was one h**l of a stupid decision on his part.

    Not too bright.  Even the Mormon Romney might have made a better choice.  

  14. I think it's a bad decision. She served as the mayor of a small town and 20 months as the Gov. of Alaska.  McCain--not ready to make big decisions!

  15. Nope, probably will clinch the election for him. I mean, the Democrats can hardly attack her lack of experience without shooting themselves in the foot now, can they? And she will pull crossover votes from the Dems, something Biden won't do for Obama. Nope, Obama listened to his advisers, played it safe, and McCain (or Rove) just checkmated him. Hillary is already planning for 2012 I am sure, and the more gracious she is in defeat to Obama the better off she is all around. No wonder she looks so happy lately.

    Short answer: Nope, Obama is toast now.  

  16. i can't imagine what mccain was thinking. a new mother and a household with a 17 year old unmarried pregnant teenager, a baby with down syndrome and a mother if the stories are correct, decided it was best to not go to the hospital when she started leaking amniotic fluid, got on a plane for 8 hours, arrived in her hometown at 10;30 am, waited yet another hour to go to the hospital and gave birth by being induced at 6:30 the next morning? i wonder if that contributed to the baby's down syndrome?

    nonetheless, all this personal stuff has nothing to do with her ability to be vice president. her utter lack of experience and lack of making rational decisions is the reason.

    mccain should have picked condoleeza rice, if he wanted to shock everybody into a coma....

    this is too crazy.....

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