
Was feminism born out of fear and hate and jealousy of men and boys?

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Was feminism born out of fear and hate and jealousy of men and boys? It is utterly sexist, s*x-based, and s*x-biased. (Like naziism was racist, race-based, and race-biased.)

Yet many feminists reject equalism ( ) as a balanced, non-sexist, non-racist alternative. Why is this? In their heart of hearts do feminists prefer sexism and racism?




  1. There is a huge difference of what it was born out of in years past and what some radicals make it out to be at present day.

    Aren't a lot of wars fought because men either want to exert their ways on others, or men do not want to live as others tell them. Feminism started under the same philosophy. The right to be able to live and do what they want.

    To bad it has just become such a mess.

  2. idiot, you have no idea what you are talking about!

    feminism is about equality!

    something that sadly alot of men still do not understand!

    grow up

  3. Well it comes from women wanting to vote in the early 20th

    century. From then through the decades it went to womens admissions in colleges and within the last 40 years  to being given mortgages for a house as women have gained better paid jobs

    Its not about s*x really.  Its just about  women being self sufficient because men are so promiscuos leaving them with kids and pissing off and leaving them to cope on their own

    Theyve found with the cost of everything going up men are finding it too much pressure to support a family and are just deserting their families for other women without giving a monkeys,  many not paying maintenance.  What do we do then?  Curl up in a corner and give up?  we have to pick up the pieces.  Men are just so vain these days they dont want to get married  just float about. Irresponsible.

  4. How am I equal when I make less than a man and am ushered into female oriented jobs without being considered for others.  How is it equal that when a woman is raped they are often described as 'asking for it' or told that they shouldn't have been in that place alone.  Why should I have to edit what I wear/say/do, which is often a requirement in this society.  A powerful woman cries and she is seen as too weak, but if she shows no emotion she is a *****.  I support equality, but we don't have it yet.

  5. Just because YOU never thought women weren't equal, doesn't mean thousands of men didn't.  Do you know anything at all about history?  Women weren't viewed as equals for the vast majority of history, and it's only in this century that we've made some headway.  There are still loads of people who don't think women are equal, and who don't treat women as equals.

  6. I don't reject equalism. I just reject your message board.

  7. If men had all the power what logical women would not be jealous?

  8. Matriarchy does not work. We are humans, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Humans are weak minded and cannot handle power.

    If women ruled the world, it wouldn't be better. At one point in history, there were matriarchies, and they were just as violent and crazy.

    We are equal in worth, but not in certain skills.

    Men are better in general at certain things, and women are in general better at certain tasks.

    I think people have a fear of being labeled by society as being inferior, and women have been labeled that for awhile. But now, the media is doing it to MEN. Every TV show, commercial I see is insulting a man in some way by making them look stupid. The man always breaks the toaster, and the women always smiles wryly and shakes her head as if shes saying "Oh so stupid, you men are"

    If we did that to women as much as they do it to us, there would be a civil goddamn war.

    Most feminists aren't bad people, h**l some are pretty smart. However...some...maybe even most...can be a little stupid.Just like men can!

    Laura, All men aren't sexist, and there are some extreme feminists that believe men are not as good as women and society would be better without them.

  9. no....satan is behind it!!

  10. Feminism was born out of real inequity issues. It was, I say again, it was a noble cause at one time. Now it has turned into a destructive force that only serves it's own interest regardless of any negative consequences that it may cause.

  11. Women weren't even able to vote until the 1920s a*shat.

    You don't even deserve an answer.

    I'm becoming increasingly intolerant of the uneducated.

  12. feminsim was never born out of jealousy it was brought out from strong and powerful women who werent just going to be treated inferior when they do so much work. women dont hate men we just want to be treated equal because we are!

  13. You're crazy!  That's a very narrow minded view you have there and obviously you can't be very well versed on the subject to even ask the question.

  14. No, it was born out of the very real and tangible suppression of women by males.

    However, it has lead to extremes and some absurdities, that do no good for the true feminist cause, I agree.

  15. You may not have looked down on women but many others do.  This includes men as well as women who feel that they are less valuable as human beings.  Feminism is about equality and that doesn't strictly encompass only sexism.  Feminism is against all of the "isms" including racism, ageism, ableism etc.

  16. No it was born to obtain basic rights for women.  Today it is driven by anger and hate toward men and boys.

  17. We do not realise we are equal?  So actually we're getting equal pay but don't realise it?  And it's just as safe for a woman to walk home alone at night as a man, but we don't realise it?  And women have just as much chance of being promoted to top positions in big companies, but we don't realise it?

    It must be hard to see the big picture when you have such a small screen.

  18. There are extremists in all walks of life who detract from the true message of the cause.  Feminism is probably no different.  That does not mean the feminist movement was formed for any reason other than the struggle by women to be treated fairly, with justice and respect.   Whether society has moved on sufficiently for feminism as a movement to no longer be necessary, I am not sure.

    It is not always easy to distinguish between sexism and the positive choices people make about their own education and career choices.  Similarly, it is not sensible to assume that men and women are the same.  They have slightly different (though widely overlapping) characteristics, some of which are better suited to one activity rather than another.  Sometimes those activities are more highly valued by society so there can be different economic consequences.That does not equate to sexism though some could choose to see it that way.  

    We still have some way to go before we recognise all people are of equal worth as people though of different strengths in different fields.

  19. Right,

    Feminism is fighting for EQUALITY.

    It is NOT sexist.

    You just need to look through the G&WS section to see how much sexism there still is in the world. We NEED to fight.

    No offense but this is a  stupid question.

    Women created feminism to become EQUAL, because men were/are sexist (err that must mean you are/were sexist because you're jealous according to you, i agree).

    A SEXIST woman would say sexist things. A FEMINIST woman would talk of equality. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT!

  20. You have to go back in history when it was the excepted fact that the man went out to work and down the pub after while the darling little wife did her duty by keep house, having children and "knowing where her place was".

    Come the 60's - come the revolution of equality. All things changed, women were increasing recognised as equals (as they had always been). Yes, there were the Sufrajets (if that's how it's spelt) many years before, but acceptance wasn't really comfortably in place until recent years and generations on. Younger generations today have really got over these situations.

    I'm afraid feminists in my view are dated in their beliefs. Yes, there are still guys out there with some bad qualities, but if you're a modern girl - then just stay away from those types of guys. There's still plenty of good modern thinking guys out there.


  21. Probably......

  22. The original idea of feminist was potentially the best thing that could happen to the human race......

    And the first wave of feminist were people such as Florence Nightingale, Nurse / Activist Born: 12 May 1820

    · Birthplace: Florence, Italy

    · Died: 13 August 1910 (natural causes)

    The English nurse Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was the founder of modern nursing and made outstanding contributions to knowledge of public health.

    exhaustive study of the health of the British Army and created a plan for reform that she compiled into a five-hundred-page report entitled Notes on Matters Affecting the Health, Efficiency, and Hospital Administration of the British Army (1858). In 1859 she published Notes on Hospitals, which was followed in 1860 by Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not. That same year she established a nursing school at St. Thomas's Hospital in London.

    — Susan B. Anthony

    Quote: "Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less."

    · Born: 15 February 1820

    · Birthplace: Adams, Massachusetts

    · Died: 13 March 1906 (complications from a stroke)

    · Best Known As: The suffragist on the one-dollar coin

    Susan B. Anthony is remembered as a women's rights leader, but she also campaigned against slavery and in favour of temperance (the abolition of liquor). Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton she founded the American Equal Rights Association in 1866, and she spent the better part of her life trying to win voting rights for women in the United States. In 1920, 14 years after Anthony's death, American women finally won the vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment. Congress honoured Anthony in 1979 by putting her portrait on a new one-dollar coin.

    Problem is that it was all hijacked and taken ransomed by some very unsavoury characters, I would go as far as to say evil people, and is and was backed by big money interests

    They know how to exploit women’s weaknesses of Fear, Shame, Guilt, and Blame.

    This is the true barrier to women fulfilling their potential……….!!

  23. It's not why or how it became about or the motives. It's the amount of damage it is causing. Kids get neglected because of feminist mothers. They just drop them in daycare just so they can have a carrer so then their kids don't grow up loved.

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