
Was gandhi against Depressed Class peoples?

by Guest59374  |  earlier

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Eventhough gandhi gave support to poor peoples,did he really oppose full rights to Depressed Class peoples? is that gandhi was against Dr. B. R. Ambedkar after first round table conference?if not y gandhi went on an indefinite hunger strike from September 20, 1932 since british government gave equal rights to Untouchables?




  1. Gandhiji was never against Depressed classes. He always encouraged their participation in freedom struggle and actively

    fought for their rights. Most often he raised his voice in favour of them.

  2. Gandhiji was standing for the oppressed class people. He participated in a strike in Kerala to give equal rights to the then 'untouchables' to enter and pray at a very famous Shiva temple. He used to hail such ppl as Harijans - meaning Vishnu's(vishnu is a Hindu Lord) very own people. There though his purpose was pure, I personally think there was no need to give their group a separate name.

  3. historically this is a highly emotive issue. Even today , the issue of schedule cast, OBC, BC is very much alive and remains terribly emotive. What Ambedkar said is very true, but then on the same argument why Ambedkar or the likes of them never spokeabout the equality of women. Even today so called the champions of all theSC,BC, OBC like Lallu prasad yadav or Mulayam Singh are terribly opposed in one form or the other to give rights to women. Gandhi-ji probably saw that the Hindu society will be fractured further.

    Why Ambedkar did not bring about a reservation for women ?

    I think the time has come when India must seriously think in terms of common civil code irrespective of caste,creed and religion.

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