
Was george bush jr. really that bad of a president?

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if he got two terms he must have done something right?




  1. Yes.

  2. Harriet Meyers - supreme court justice? Alberto Gonzales US Attorney General?  Swift-boating?  Torture? His (former) Secretary of Defense under indictment in Germany?

    What he did right was scare enough people into believing he was a better choice for president than Kerry.  Vote for me or al Qaida will bomb us again.

  3. If Bush had to steal his first election and get appointed by the Supreme Court instead of winning in a free and fair election then no.  The only thing he did right was to show us an object lesson in just how bad a pResident can be.

    I am not entirely sure the other election was fairly won either.

    Remember this is a president guilty of felonies and one that has no respect for the Constitution.

    Yes.  Jr was REALLY that bad.  In fact his will be the WORST American presidency in history.

  4. I'm really sorry to say this, but if you're asking this question i can understand why you have doubts about Bush!

    I'm not being rude, but c'mon! wake up. Do a little research.

  5. Getting elected to 2 terms doesn't mean anything.  People seem to just vote for a name or face they are familiar with.

    Jesse Ventura got elected for God sake!

    Not to mention a couple years back in Missouri while Mel Carnahan was running for Senate, he was killed in a plane crash.  He still won the Senate seat after his death!

    Just because you win an election doesn't always mean you're right or have done a good job.

  6. He is a monster. A war mongering aggressive PNAC monster who should be indited for starting an illegal war and misleading the American public into believing in fabricated links between 911 and Saddam Hussein and WMD. It seems like most of the character whom people believe is Bin Laden and most of what people call Al Qaeda was an invention of those PNAC criminals. Cheney, RUmsfelf, Bush, Wolfowitz, they are all criminals.

    Luckily the boss of Shell, I think it was, blocked the US administrations wish to completely s***w the Iraqis over. (

    Lucky he didn't get away with persuading everyone in the falsehood that Iran pursues nuclear ambitions (back in 2003 the CIA concluded that the nuclear program had been scrapped there, a report which has been buried by the PNACists and they are complying with international law (the US is no longer honouring nuclear non-proliferation agreements, note.) It's all, all about oil, without a shadow of a doubt.

  7. Wow, I always wondered that, can't wait to find out your best answer will be.

  8. Obviously not according to the majority of the people. They voted him in TWICE, even though Hollywood, Liberals, and the main stream media have done everything possible to make it otherwise.

    Just proves that what you see and read is obviously not the real truth.

    The media is not America! Liberals are not America! Hollywood is not America! The silent majority are still here. We are Conservative, Anti Federal Government intrusion into our daily lives, Pro Judeo Christian values, Pro strong Military, Etc., Etc.

  9. Yeah he did something right, alright. He stole the elections and continued on his rampage of unconstitutional criminal acts. He needs to be impeached. You have to ask if he was that bad? Is our economy that bad right now? Ask that to the thousands of Americans who are suffering because of the fall of our dollar due to the ridiculous spending over seas.

  10. Yes to the first part

    and no to the second part

  11. yes he was

  12. Thank God, We are finally wising up, and we are digging, 2-years ago this question would lead to fights and stupidy  from lazy uninformed Americans allover  and you would not answer as you are now. No insults pal let's start you at the beginning before 911.....I'll never loose faith in America!

  13. I think the fact that he got two terms reflects more on the American public then him.

  14. no but he made some bad desions Clinton was worst

  15. You have to define 'bad'

    But really, I just think he has made quite a few wrong choices and the USA is now a laughing stock of the world just because of this man.

    The UK for instance has been historic brothers of the USA. now ask most people in the street what they think of America and Americans they will answer a bunch of media lead, brain dead, self absorbed, world dominating dictators who care for nothing more than 'homeland security'

    America's time is running out and it will be interesting to see that this once great nation, goes cap in hand to others... just like what happened to the once, indestructible USSR.

    It's historic.. happened to Rome, Tunisia, The Mayans.. you name it... and the catalyst would of been Bush Jn.

  16. I think he did a good job in some areas.  Some things I do not agree with:  social programs and excessive spending by the government at all levels.

  17. Yeah, the war was a terrible idea.  Beyond that he didn't actually DO too many things, but he didn't do a lot of things that he should've done.

  18. Ummm . . . . . he is probably one of the worst presidents we've ever had. Two terms? That's called a LOT of stupid people voting him in.

  19. Who could've done better?  Well, slightly better.  Anyone? Anyone?  Maybe he's just at the wrong place in the wrong time, although, he sure did seem to contribute greatly to our loss of freedoms and the divide between the classes.  Was all that really his fault?  

    He wasn't voted into presidency.  He crowned himself.

  20. no

  21. U ar e right he got 2 terms surely there was some thing the same public voted for him again.As long as a person delivers in his capacity he okay why argue on that

  22. I think he was horrible. The problem was, he was running against extreme liberals. He also played on people's fears.  People who believe everything they hear on the news and see on TV (these are a majority of people who buy everything they see on the home shopping network). I believe there is a majority of these type of people voting And when someone with authority tells them they are under attack and the only way to stop them is by keeping him in power and continue the war, they get scared and vote.

    PLUS he didn't win the popularity vote. If we actually count the votes and not the electoral hoopla, he would have lost.

    I do have to say though, in defence to a comment made earlier. I don't believe people should judge american's by their politics. I'm American living in the UK and I can't tell you how often someone has started arguing with me because they think I voted for Bush. Which I didn't. I voted against him twice and cried when he won. We should be defined as Human beings and not defined by the politics of our country

  23. economic stimulus checks, unifying the country, only to have it confused again as we near elections

  24. yes.

    he was probably our worst.

    we went from over 300million in profit


    2,000,000,000,000$ in debt.

    he did NOTHING right.

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