
Was going to ask this in Women's Health but after going to that section...figured moms could answer..?

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My 18yr in currently in her room very upset, complaining about syptoms that sound like a urinary tract infection. I'm going to make an appointment for her to see the doctor in the morning but was wondering if anyone had any ideas/suggestions of how to help the constant urge to go to the bathroom/burning so she can relax and sleep until morning. I haven't had one and haven't really found anything online.




  1. All natural Cranberry Juice and lots of water.. What the cranberry does is it cleans out the kidney and flushes the virus out! It really does help!! I hope she feels better cause they truly suck : /

  2. Try ibuprofen if she isn't allergic to it to control the discomfort, and cranberry juice also helps prevent UTI's, don't know how much help it is when you already have the UTI but it doesn't hurt to try it.

    there is also an over the counter medication for UTI's its called AZO and it supposed to work.  I've never tried, but I've heard good things about it

  3. One way to reduce the painful stinging sensation during urination when you have a UTI is pour warm water over the ares when you are urinating. This will help to dilute the concentrated urine and the warm temperature of the water will help to reduce the sensation of the burning.

  4. you need to get her some azo it is an over the counter pain relieve for a tract will make her pee garfield orange but it calms it down a little so that she wont have to go all the time and she will be able to get some rest..cost about 6.00 bucks at a walmart or something and ther eis like 60 pills will last you a long time.

  5. How fun. She can join the club...I've got one too and am counting down the minutes until my 8am doctors app. My suggestion would be to get her a hot water bottle/bag to put between her legs, which will help with the urge to go. Have her go watch TV, play something on the computer, read etc to take her mind off of it and eventually fall asleep. Other than that, there really isn't anything you can do until morning sadly :(. I get them every once in a while (d**n genes) and they suck. Tell her to hang in there and welcome womanhood! It's just wonderful ;)

  6. If anyone in your family gets kidney stones or your daughter has ever had a kidney stone, continued consumption of cranberry juice after the infection is gone is NOT a good idea.  Cranberry juice contains calcium oxalate which makes up about 75% of all kidney stones.  I have also included information on yeast infections and remedies because yeast infections often seem similar to urinary tract infections.

    Urinary-tract infections occur when bacteria such as E. coli, which normally live in the bowels, make their way into the bladder and set up residence.

    In Women:

    Over 20% of women experience the discomfort of cystitis (Infection of the urinary bladder) --a urinary tract infection--at least once a year, about as often as the common cold. Bladder infections causes frequent trips to the rest room. They usually present themselves by causing burning, painful urination. Cystitis is caused by a migration of bacteria into the bladder. While E. coli and other bacteria almost routinely migrate into the bladder, most bacteria are flushed out in the urine. Cystitis only occurs when bacteria remain in the bladder by anchoring themselves to the bladder's cells. If not treated promptly, the infection may become chronic and spread to the kidneys. This is very serious, so here are some suggestions for prevention and early treatment.

    Natural approach to Cystitis

    Flush out bacteria by drinking plenty of pure, filtered water--ten to twelve 8-oz. glasses per day.

    Cranberry juice, well-accepted as a folk remedy for the problem, also has held up under scientific scrutiny. In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, women who drank cranberry juice were 58 percent less likely to develop a urinary tract infection than those who drank a placebo. If they already had an infection, they were 27 percent less likely to have their infections continue if they drank cranberry juice. Advocates of cranberry juice treatment for infections used to think that it worked by acidifying the urine, making it less receptive to bacteria. But now it appears that cranberries (and blueberries) contain a substance that disrupts the glue bacteria use to adhere to tissue, making it harder for them to get established on the lining of the bladder. Drink 8 oz of cranberry juice a few hours before and after s*x or any other activity that manipulates or puts pressure in the pelvic area, such as riding a bicycle. The surfaces of fecal bacteria are dotted with substances called lectins, which form strong bonds with sugar residues on the surfaces of cells lining the bladder. Cranberry juice contains substantial quantities of alpha D mannopyranoside, a derivative of the sugar D-mannose. This compound attaches to the lectins of bacteria and prevents their attachment to the bladder wall. In one study, 16-oz. of cranberry juice per day eliminated cystitis in 73% of patients. Look for pure cranberry juice, with as little added sugar as possible. At the first hint of burning urination, drink eight ounces of juice. Repeat every three to four hours. Cranberry juice - at least the ordinary variety - is full of sugar and water, with only some of the real juice. The high sugar content may actually encourage the growth of bacteria and yeast. To avoid the excessive sugar content, it is preferable to drink unsweetened cranberry juice concentrate, which you can buy in a health-food store or to buy cranberry capsules. Take cranberry two capsules twice a day. Even if one is taking pharmaceutical drugs to treat the infection, one still takes cranberry capsules along with them. For immediate treatment of cystitis symptoms. Use one tablets every three to four hours.

    For a little extra antibacterial punch, eat Garlic, parsley, and rose hips whenever you can.  (I actually just take 4 gel caps of garlic only...For a really bad bout I insert the caps where the problem is if you know what I mean)

    Resistance Support Formula to enhance immunity.

    You also can take some measures to help control a return of the infection. Avoid tight pants, synthetic underwear, and deodorant soaps, all of which can encourage bacteria. Also, many women get urinary-tract infections shortly after a pelvic exam. Drinking a glass of water just before and after visiting your gynecologist seems to help protect against this problem

    Vaginal yeast infection (Candidial Vaginitis) can cause symptoms mimicking urinary tract infection.

    Predisposing factors

    Antibiotics: Antibiotics disrupt the balance of organisms in the v****a, and gives free rein to yeast to overpopulate it. Thus, avoid antibiotics if at all possible, and if you need to be treated for a urinary tract infection, ask for one of the newer, single-dose agents.

    Pregnancy and diabetes predispose a woman as well, apparently by raising the sugar content of the v****a and fostering yeast growth.

    Try avoiding milk products and foods with high refined sugar or yeast content.

    Birth control pills may contribute to yeast growth. If you take the Pill, you might want to experiment with a different form of birth control.

    While it's not been proven that yeast is sexually transmitted, I think its worth considering having a s*x partner treated as well if infections are chronic.

    Natural approach to Candidial Vaginitis

    Probiotic or acidophilus culture. These bacteria are the ones that make milk sour. "Friendly" and natural to the intestinal tract, they may also out-compete yeast in the vaginal area and change the chemistry of the tissues to make them resistant to the fungi. Take probiotics Bio-dophilus before starting antibiotics, during the course of antibiotics and continue for 3-4 days after discontinuing the antibiotic

    Home remedies: Try douching with pure tea tree oil. Tea tree oil, a nontoxic approach which very useful for fungal infections. The oil is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a native tree of New South Wales. Mix one and a half tablespoons of the oil in a cup of warm water and use it as a douche once a day. If you experience any irritation, however, discontinue its use. Or use water and vinegar -- a quarter of a cup of vinegar in two cups water. Vinegar makes the v****a more acid, and thus more inhospitable to yeast. Or try inserting either 2 tablespoons of yogurt containing live acidophilus or use a rubber bulb syringe to insert one tablespoon of liquid culture directly in the v****a or place a capsule of acidophilus directly into your v****a once a day. These harmless bacteria counteract the growth of the offending yeast.

    Wear only cotton or silk underwear, as synthetic underwear traps moisture, contributing to yeast growth, and don't forget to change underwear frequently.

    Reduce your sugar intake. High-sugar diets stimulate the growth of yeast.

    Add one or two cloves of raw garlic to your diet or 2 odorless Garlic tablet daily. A clove once a day is a powerful natural medicine, with specific anti-yeast effects (that's one segment from a bulb, not the whole thing!). Mash or chop it finely, mix it with food and eat it with a meal. Or, cut it into chunks and swallow the chunks like pills. Fresh-grown garlic is much better than any garlic supplements. Chew a little parsley afterward if you're concerned about odor. Try it, it really works. Make sure you're getting adequate iron, zinc and selenium.

    General principles for Women to maintain a healthy Urinary Tract

    Women should cleanse the genital and urinary areas from front to back with soap and water after each bowel movement. (Don't touch the inner lips though as washing this area with soap washes away that natural bacteria that fight infections)

    Avoid tight-fitting pants and wear cotton-crotch underwear and panty hose, changing both at least once a day. Mild detergents are best for washing underwear.

    Women at risk for urinary tract infections should take showers rather than baths and avoid bath oils, feminine hygiene sprays, douches, and powders; as a general rule, any product containing perfumes or other suspected allergens should not be used near the genital area. The use of tampons may encourage development of a UTI. If sanitary napkins are substituted for tampons, health care professionals advise napkin changes after each urination. Women at risk for UTIs should urinate frequently when they have the urge.

    Sexual Precautions: Good hygiene should always be observed before and after s*x, including keeping the genital and anal areas clean. Urinate before and after intercourse to empty the bladder and cleanse the urethra of bacteria. Women with recurrent infections should use alternative contraceptive devices to those particularly diaphragms that require added spermicides. Unfortunately, male use of condoms with spermicides is an important preventive measure for sexually transmitted diseases. Uncoated condoms do not appear to pose the same risk for UTI but they are not as protective against sexually transmitted diseases. Women with a high risk for UTI should discuss contraceptive measures with their physician. Sexual promiscuity with multiple partners is always dangerous behavior and should be avoided to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and urinary tract infections.

    Take Vitamin C regularly make urine more acidic and less hospitable to bacteria.

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