
Was greyhound betting ever banned in the state of pennsylvania?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Sports betting especially horse race betting and greyhound betting are famous in the state of pennsylvania. I want to know, was greyhound betting ever banned in the state of pennsylvania?




  1. n the early history of the United States, various colonies held to very different beliefs when it came to gambling. In Pennsylvania and New England, for example, Puritan ideals towards gambling were adopted. In some cases, this made it illegal for a person to own cards, dice or even gaming tables. This was eventually softened to allow gaming for recreation, although professional gambling was still restricted.

    Other colonies adopted a more British attitude towards gambling, and it was viewed as nothing more than a harmless way to pass the time. In these colonies, gambling was allowed for games which were considered proper diversions for gentlemen.

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