
Was he a gentlemen or a manipulator?

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I was lurking on a forum and this poster under an Anonymous handle said something that caught my attention.So I responded and we started going back and forth on the subject.Then we discovered we was from that same region of a state and started talking about our hometowns.He gave a hint for me to give him my email address,so I gave it to him.He sent me a email,saying how he pays attention to my posts,that I seemed cool and sweet and how I sounded beautiful from the descriptions I gave of myself in the past.He also knew that I was single mother.I was flattered and emailed him back and said Thanks.Then he started sending me love peoms he wrote,saying how he was in the process of writing a book.He was asking me how I liked them and he asked me if I read the question at the end of one of them,I said No.I went back to see what he was talking about and it said"(my name),will you be my queen?" I was like O..K. I guess he sensed that I thought it was weird.So he was like "I'm not desperate or a stalker, I just have a good feeling about you." I was like maybe he's just......a hopeless romantic.So I rolled with it to see what'll happen.So he told me more about himself...That he was a divorcee and had a daughter.Old school hopeless romantic.Career in CIS(computers).Churchgoer.Basically everything that'll make a woman think she got a good one.He gave me his number and I called.....good conversations,seemed like we had a lot in common....All that good stuff.He started saying he was falling for me(it has'nt even been two weeks)Reciting more love peoms,saying what he wanted to do for me and where he wanted to take me...woo woo woo.It was a little strange but I was flattered nevertheless.I came from abusive relationships so I was relishing in the good attention.He even talk me through my near eviction from my apartment.I borrowed money from my friend,so I got saved from that ordeal.So we finally met up for a date.He brought a dozen pink roses,I was floored.Stared and told me I was beautiful about 20xs during dinner.We talked and laughed and when we left he grabbed me by the hand then we hugged and then he kissed me.We stood and kissed for about ten minutes.Then escorted him to his car,because he acted like he did'nt want to depart and I had to get my kids from the sitter.So we left.When I got home,I got a text messages saying "I fell for you on the spot" You are so beautiful,you stopped me in my tracks" and "check your email".So I checked my email it said that he really wanted to take me to a hotel room but he was scared to ask.I asked him what he meant.He said it was'nt for s*x,it was just to lay on the bed,watch movies and get to know each other because he did'nt want to leave me that night.I let it go and we continue to talk.He finally bought up the s*x subject(He only touched on it before)I told him that we should wait and get to know each other better before we do that.He was like" Oh,sure...I agree,blah blah blah".We talk after that so I thought everything was cool.Then he asked me if it was Ok if we just talked on the phone for a couple months because he's broke and he really wants to take me to fancy places.He could'nt afford to do that right now.I told him that there was plenty things we can do that cost little to nothing.He said he knew but if I knew how he was raised,I would know how insulting that would be.I told him I was'nt a teenager and I'm just not going to talk to somebody on the phone.He sighed and said he understood and said he'll call back.Later,he did call back.He left a long message saying he fell in love with me,how he feels about me,etc.I called him back and he repeated it.He told me that he did'nt mean to scare me.I said it's forward.It's almost a month now.I talked to my best friend and told her the situation,she said it was bulls@#t and gave me reasons why she felt that way.I thought about it...hmmm.I talked to him later and start asking questions.He seemed irritable(sp?) and asked why was I bringing someone else into it.That he only cares what I think,not her.I asked him if he was seeing someone else because it did'nt make sense how somebody can profess so much for somebody and not want to see them for two months,money or not.He got quiet and said that he already told me he has'nt been with a woman(physically or anything else)for two and a half years.He was quiet for rest of the conversation and finally said" I'll call you back" Never did.Would'nt answer my calls or texts.Have'nt emailed.Cold turkey,nothing.What did I do wrong? Why is'nt he calling? Was it my fault and did I let a good man slipped through my fingers? P.S I don't have avator yet,I'm not a male.LOL




  1. Take legal opinion and also take advise from elders. He looks to be funny. Finally take your decision after analysing the pros and cons. Try to know the full background and reputation. Allow some time for such things. Do not take any hasty decision.

  2. Hmm, sounds like a good result to me!

  3. i think he realised your not the kind of person who wants a virtual realtionship if that makes sense. Similar thing happened to me when i said i wated to meet him he went weird and was like why would you want to ruin this? If i were you i'd forget about him, he sounds like he has a s***w loose.

  4. He seems very controlling, the way he wouldn't allow your friend to get involved.  He's making you feel awkward, as you've said a few times.  Think of your kids, and don't bring him around.  For all you know, he would've taken you to a hotel and taken advantage.  This situation seems a little creepy, but only you know for sure.  Is he making you feel weird? Then, stop and listen to your gut.  I'm sorry you've been in bad relationships, but don't let this be another one.  The attention is great, but I'm sure you're a beautiful, sweet woman, and you don't need it from him. He is probably very unsure, thinks he messed up, or may be embarassed, and that's why he is isn't getting in contact with you. You didn't do anything wrong.  He seems a bit strange.  Trust your instincts.  

  5. that was a long question

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