
Was he about to explode or what?

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Did you guys see how hard Mike Wallace was trying to keep from going off on Steve Wallace in the post race interview after the Nationwide race. Can you say family tension?




  1. I would be mad at my nephew too if he did something like that. They'll get over it though.

  2. Wow, no kidding.  Mike is a big boy, I would not want him that mad at me.  I'm sure they will be having a real serious chat very soon.  I did think he handled it pretty well and was as calm and collected as he could have been in his TV interview.  You could definitely see that he was really ticked off, though, and I'm sure Stephen knows it.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  3. Yea, i hope this family drama continues next week

    mike was pretty entertaining in his interview  lol

  4. Yeah, I saw it. Every family has moments of tension, it's just ours isn't on TV for the world to see, I'm sure they'll work it out.

    I refuse to pass judgment on a driver on how he conducts himself during post race interviews. Mike's a good guy, he was just upset, and rightfully so.

  5. That was Steve who did that! HOLY SH*T!

  6. I wonder if we'll have another incident similar to the Busch brothers'. Kenny or Rusty would probably have to bring them together.

  7. Those old cars get loose (upset) aerodynamically just from other cars being near them. That's restrictor plate racing in those older style cars. The new cars aren't as bad about that. In fact they straighten up better.

    Mike should have been more patient with his nephew. Give him time to cool off and I think you will hear a different tune coming from that bird.

  8. tina that had nothing to do with aerodynamics he got in to him on a straight away no question about it and he had every right to be angry

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