
Was he being malicious?

by  |  earlier

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At work, we all had a 2 hour meeting about raising the security level, etc.

For my office, I need to change the locks, have less people have access because we deal with cash.

So, I spoke with the janitor and asked for his help. Asked if his staff could come in and throw out the garbage when we are at work instead of 4 am. I went through the reasons why we have to step up security and want other changes we are making even though it doesn't involve him.

He was very nice about everything and was cooperative.

He then, turned around and went to my supervisor and complained that I was accusing him of stealing based on what he heard over an

incident. This incident never took place.

I met the janitor a year ago and had a sense he was shifty. Now, I believe in my gut feelings.

My supervisor knows why I spoke to the janitor because my supervisor is making the necessary changes to step up security too.

Do you think this janitor is malicious?




  1. I dont know what to think of that, sounds shifty though for sure, I work in a church and we had to beef up our security too, you have to be a little more careful these days...Good Luck

  2. Just because he blamed you for blaming him for a theft doesn't make him a prime suspect. He probably just felt insulted that you think things could go wrong on his watch, or something like that. Grant it, he did take it a bit too far. Still, you should just explain as well as you can about why this is safer and why it would make everyone more comfortable, etc. So try not to judge too quickly, but still keep you eyes peeled for anything. And I'm not saying that about the janitor, I'm saying it as a general piece of safety advice.

  3. No.

  4. I have no idea if he's a malicious person or not, but he's not very bright. You explained the situation to him in detail, you in no way accused him of anything, and yet he runs to your supervisor! If I were you I would limit my contact with him.  

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