
Was he being rude to me?

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Is it very rude of him if he is just reading my messages without responding back and he doesn't seem to care how happy or sad I'm feeling? Me and him used to be friends back in high school but all of the sudden I feel like I'm not his friend anymore and on MySpace he is NOT the same nice person like he was in high school and it makes me wonder what I did wrong that caused him to ignore my messages, I am really dissapointed in him right now.

I'm the kind of friend who takes a strong amount of pride in my friendships and I'm always willing to put in an extra effort into our friendship and I don't understand why people don't feel the same about me?




  1. Well maybe you just think too much. If he is working at the moment, then most probably his heavy workload could be the reason. Either that or you could have irritated him in some way. Another reason is that he might have a girlfriend, and feels awkward if he is too close to you (if you are female). So maybe you would like to find a chance to talk to him and clear your doubts. However if you feel that you have put in all your effort, but he still ignores, then I would suggest that you give up on this friendship or you just give him some time and see if he will reply you, or ask about you.

  2. People are different!

    There's some who answer your messages to show you that they care (or at leaste showing that their interested in responding) and there'sotherss who listen to the messages and don't respond back (meaning that they don't give a rats hoot lol).

    This guy sounds exactly like my boss, and similar like you I hate when people do that!

    In the end you have to realize that everyone is different and we can't really change them.

    Maybe your friend is a little annoyed with you or he's probably just not in the mood to respond (he's a guy, guys don't really have time for those things when it comes to OTHER MEN if your get what i'm saying... maybe if it was a girl it would be different for him, who knows).

    Send him another message telling him how you feel or asking him why he's ignoring your messages. If he's still not responding then just be patient and wait. He'll eventually say something to you... maybe not now, but EVENTUALLY!

  3. Ask him... Just say, "Hey, I noticed that your response seem to be real subtle. Is anything going on?"  Be gentle with it. And give him time...  

  4. Stop blaming yourself.  It's your friend who has the problem, not you.  It could be that he doesn't know what to say.  It could be that he's got a zillion things on his mind.  It could be lots of things.  It's important, too, to realize that as time goes along people and relationships change.  Sometimes it takes a bit of effort to adjust to that fact of life.

  5. Maybe he's just really disorganised. I often check mail, think 'I'll reply later with a nice long message when I have more time' and then completely forget. Fortunately my friends know me well and still meet up after a year of not being contacted forgiving my utter lack of organisational skills. Don't take it personally as maybe this guy is just busy and forgetful. It may be irritating but we all have our weak points.

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