
Was he cheating or was he telling the truth?

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I'm 19 and my boyfriend is 21 and we live 1 hour apart.well anyways he lives with his friend and his friend's little cousins and uncles. And I always talk to the 12 yr old girl that lives in the same house with my boyfriend and I asked her to let me know if he brings home girls or whatever.. she's really good girl nice and honest again she's a 12 year old girl. yesterday me and my boyfriend were together and she calls him cheater infront of me and that left me wondering and afterwards she' s like "tell her what you did or you want me to tell her" and he was like "I gave one of my co-workers a ride... you know that restaurant right NEXT to my house that I always go eat breakfast? well she was there as a coinsidence and I offered her a ride cause I saw her taking the bus" and I was like"yeah what a coinsidence that she had to go eat at the same restaurant 2 houses from your house and that you walked to the restaurant and left your car infront of your house and that someone had to see you infront of your house giving her a ride because the restaurant was 2 houses down from that so called restauranr..that's bullshit..."-I TOLD HIM

so I went asked the 12 yr old girl for more info and she was like"oh and my other friend that got home before me ,and she saw them hugging and and the girl had a big smile in her face the whole time..and she wouldn't lie she's very honest in school and with me..."

so he admited to half of what the girl said. he admited to had given her a ride because it was his co-worker but doesn;t it sound a coinsidence..??the other half that he didnt admit was that they hugged....what story should I believe I mean he amited to one half so the other half must be true right?? but to his own convinience he dint admit that the girl hugged him ??

what if the girl came out of his house and not the restaurant?the 12 yr old was walking from school and wasn;t able to see if she came out of the house all she knows is that he was giving her a ride right infront of his house>. so what do you think is true and what do you think is false?




  1. The 12 yr. old has a bright future as a Private Investigator. Don't rely on a kid to "baby sit" your BF.

  2. Wow. You got a 12 year old girl to spy on him? You have trust issues and you should talk to him about it.. not a 12 year old. Talk to him...

  3. first guy are LAIRS you can ask them anything the they would only tell you half the story. there is something going on.

    do you now the person? if so then that's not cheating if you don't then that's a diff story. why would he give her a ride. guys, always giving you something and they think you should give them something back, so am guess that the girl was giving something to you men


    i now how it feels

    my men also give a ride to his co-work (girl) and i found out they kiss A S S HO LES  

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