
Was he just kidding or did he just propose?

by  |  earlier

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I told my friend I was transferring to another university and he said, " NO YOU CANT TRANSFER!!!!



You were supposed to stay so I could marry you!!!

lol you promised to be my first black GF! ?




  1. K, so, you had me until you put that last comment "lol, you promised to be my first black GF?"... huh!!??!!

    #1 The "LOL" in the comment is a total tip off that he's just kidding....

    #2 you guys haven't even been dating?! Why would you think he'd propose some as seriouis as marrage when you're not even together?

    I think maybe you need to explore you're feelings about HIM and decide if you, maybe, you are making this mean more than it really is and, if so, why... TRUST ME, one of my best friends of 15 years is a guy and I had crush on him for about 10 of those years. Of those 10, I maybe only finally admitted that crush to myself in the last 6 months, LOL.. It's easy to get "caught up" in a friendship with a guy and lose sight of what's really going on, which is that it's just a friendship...

    Also - sorry, but I HAVE to say this - Look, I hear what your saying and I'm a "sister" myself but I gotta be honest with you, the "my first black GF" thing is a border-line ignorant comment. I'm sure he's a VERY nice guy, but, so then why doesn't he just want you to be his girlfriend?. Period. Why hasn't he ever asked you out?

    I have  ALOT of guy friends (they're much easier to handle, lol) and I can tell you I've had so many of them tell me things like "Oh, if  there was ever a black girl I'd date, it'd be you!!".. and c**p like that. NEWS FLASH - They mean well, but that was NOT a compliment. At the end of the day, if they wanted to be with YOU (not a skin color or fettish), they'd just be with you...  

  2. yeah. i don't think either of you are ready for marriage. are you dating? because that is generally a prerequisite for marriage.

  3. lol wow yeah I think he was kidding, especially with the "you promised to be my first black GF" part :P

  4. OMG! Yes!  You need to book a church immediately.  He is the one!

  5. idk ask him

  6. In that text I would think he was just being hysterical and just kidding around with the "marriage" part, but when he's a little calmer I would ask him, not so bluntly, but just gently like, "hey, the other day when you said i should stay so you can marry me, what was that about?"

  7. its not a proposal, its hi trying to keep you from going in a joking way.

  8. Sounds like he was kidding to me.

  9. depends on a lot, does he like u

  10. no one knows besides him. so i'd ask him.

  11. Well, first of all, he refers to you as his black gf as opposed to gf. What's up with that? Secondly, if he was proposing, doesn't sound like a proposal you would want to remember your entire life. Joking about it doesn't make you want to say "Yes".

    The only way is to ask him if he was being serious.  

  12. Just go on with your transfer.  See if he really meant what he said.

  13. Doesn't sound like he meant it. He was probably just playing around. You have 3 options. 1) Go ahead with the transfer, see what happens with y'all or 2) Ask him if he was playing or serious. or 3) pretend you never heard it.  

  14. I don't think it's a real proposal.  Maybe he does want to marry you in the future, but this doesn't sound like he's ready to give you a ring yet.  I would ask him to be sure.

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