
Was homeopathy invented as a joke?

by Guest62108  |  earlier

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ianhad: loads of stuff which didn't work lol




  1. NO- definitely not!

    Was that the reason your parents created you ?  

  2. No, not at all. Samuel Hahnemann who "invented" homeopathy was a medical doctor and discovered the power of remedies made of extremely diluted substances which are in addition succussed.

    Succussion is when the bottle containing the substance is shaken and hit against the palm of the hand between each dilution. It was all made by hand in the old days.

    Succussion in addition to dilution distorts the energy of the substance in the bottle, so that the body fails to recognize it and will reject it. In so doing it also rejects the energy of the disease - which is exactly the same but not distorted. And that's how you get rid of your problem with homeopathy.

    There is a wonderful book you may want to read which explains a lot about homeopathy, how it works etc... It is

    Homeopathy - Science or myth

    Author: Bill Gray. MD

    Publisher: California Books, Berkeley, California

    ISBN: 1-55643-332-8

    All the best to you!

  3. what's with your obsession to bad mouth this healing modality. Did your spouse run off with a Homeopath? I have used it and it worked once and not another time but I have used allopathic medicine also over the last 50 years and I can tell you that it has failed me many times so give alternative medicine a break will ya?  

  4. Found a very good site inside it really fantastic this site will help you

  5. You've probably self-treated for a problem that requires a homeopath trained and certified in classical homeopathy. The remedy is not what makes it homeopathy, it's the reason for giving the remedy and subsequent "case management" as healing progresses. The other situation is you might have seen someone who said they do homeopathy, when they use homeopathic remedies in a non-homeopathic (untrained) fashion. A classical homeopath will not use radionics, hair testing, muscle testing, or pretty much anything else. That's true homeopathy, when the benefits are countless.

    It's not a joke to the people who did not heal until a medical doctor (Hahnemann) added homeopathy to his resources, nor the inestimable number who continue to heal in consulting a homeopath, having been disappointed by conventional and even other "alternative" methods.

    I won't bother adding any historical information, as that's not the point of your sarcastic question.

  6. No, what would make you think that?

  7. i don't think it was originally as they thought it really would work but now they should know better.

  8. That has to be the most ridiculous question ever, what do you think was used before drug companies started making artificial versions of natural remedies? Willow Bark, salicylic acid-aspirin, just as an example.

  9. Well, you cant call it as a joke may be coz it didn't work for you.

    Homeopathy can be considered for minor illness and not for those chronic diseases.

    Also it depends on your body condition.  

  10. lol!! good qn, but no, it wasn't.

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