
Was i a brat or he a bad dad?

by  |  earlier

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ok i lived with my dad (9-12) and with his parents, while they were home things were all fine and dandy, but they traveled a lot they were home like at most 3 months of a year (that's why we lived at the house) while they were gone my father did the shopping naturally. he would buy food for himself and none at all for me (i wasn't to eat his) but he only got dinner stuff, but he bought things he knew for sure i would never eat (he poured hot sauce in it i couldn't even get it in my mouth) so i couldn't eat it, so it is partically my fault.

but shouldn't he have tried to makesomethingg i would eat, or at least buy me breakfast or lunches, heck anything. i mean at 1 point i was 5'8 less than 90lbs. hedidn'tt see it.

and he would say 'your so picky ill have to lock you in a closet and starve you until you'll eat' wasn't that what he was doing?

was i being a stupid brat? was what he did wrong?




  1. Uh yeah one part of being a good father is, oh I don't know, FEEDING YOUR KID.  Sounds like you were majorly neglected and that would definitely be something you should talk to a counselor about.

  2. ANother case of an adult who is selfish and not grown up. It is sad, and sorry you had to go through that!

    Don't think it was you. Kids are kids and no matter what the parent should always do what is best for the kids.

    My 10 year old is very picky eater but I rather give him something he will eat opposed to him being hungry. But that is the way I look at things.. I even cook 2 or 3 differnet meals for each person on some nights depending what we are having.

    I thnk you should understnd it was not you and only an immature jerk who had no business being in your life if that is the way he was. Thankfully your away from that now.

  3. Your Dad was mean-spirited and verbally abusive. It certainly doesn't sound like you were a picky eater, just that you couldn't tolerate hot sauce...

    If by "I am seeing someone" you mean a counselor, you certainly should talk about this.

  4. Um, that sounds like abuse? Neglect? If you were 5'8" and less than 90lbs, I'm surprised you werent sent to a hospital.

  5. what he did was child neglect and you should have been removed from his care. Don't for one second think that it was in any way your fault

  6. things that go around, come around.  wait till he's a senior citizen and is looking to you for support...

  7. That wasn't nice of him and it doesn't sound like you were being a brat at all. However, parenting can be really hard and there is no one to teach you how to be a parent. Also, him only living with you since you were nine may have had something to do with the not so great parenting because he didn't know what to do and he hadn't had the 9 years worth of training that most parents have when they have kids that age.

  8. If you are seeing someone about this you should definitely let them know. That was abuse and child neglect and not fair to you at all, especially if you think it was all your fault.

  9. it sounds like it was both of you actually.

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