
Was i harassed? important!!!

by  |  earlier

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hey, ok well i just need help. a few days ago i was thinking about all the houses i ever lived in, then for some reason my mind stopped at one house. i was thinking about it, then i started getting these memories. i remember when i was about 5 or 6[ (im 13 now) i lived in a house with me, my brother, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, uncle, and cousin. yea alot of people, anyways, then i remember this kid, my cousin's friend. i think he was about 13. i cant remember his name. i remember we always used to play a game: my brother vs. my cousin and me vs. my cousins friend used to play something like.. Blanket Wars. it was a dumb little kitty game were u went under a blanket and play fought. well now i remember his friend always putting his hand into my shorts, touching my butt, and i think i a few times my.. vaginal area. i remember now, but i was a kid back then, i didnt know what was right or wrong. im just starting to remember this from a few days ago. why couldnt i remember these earlier? was i harassed? what do i do? i feel horrible and im confused, please help.

p.s.- this was while ago, i was about 5 or 6, he was 13 maybe, and im 13 now.




  1. The right word is "molested," and it sounds like you were.  From what I understand, young children often block out these memories because they don't know how to deal with them.  It's normal to feel confused, but the truth is that your memories are probably NOT lying to you.  You should talk to your parents or another trusted adult about this, and I hope you consider talking to a therapist because this is really too big for you to sort out on your own.

    I'm so sorry this happened to you.

  2. yeah it was sexual harassment, and you probley didn't remember because you might have blacked it out or you were so young you just forgot about it because you didn't think it was relevant to remember until now.

  3. that's definitely harassment.  you probably didn't remember it cause like you said, at the time you didn't know there was anything wrong with it, therefore it didn't stick in your mind as something to be remembered... until now.  I'm sure you feel very uncomfortable about it now, but I don't think there is much you should do about it unless this dude is still in the picture.  sorry this had to happen, but maybe you should just try to forget it ever did??

  4. well to satrt off with. like he was basicly a perve.

    and like ya every little kid does not know what that

    means. but im 14 and if that happend to me i would embaress him with it

    in front of everyone. like

    'hey remember you used to touch my v****a

    and butt' but yea give him what he deserves.


    or tell an adult. duh. one you feel comfterbul w/ :]]

  5. omg im so sorry i think u were.

    i mean, what that kid did to u was wrong, cuz he took advantage of ur inocence. u were 6!

    but it was so long ago, can u do something about it? do u remember his name? do u wanna report this? cuz u could

    the most important thing is that 1. he still was just a kid, during that age 12-15 though u know what is right n wrong, n everything about s*x well, u really dont understand it n u need to experiment.

    n he really didnt touch touch you. he simply rubbed around there. thats a comfort isnt it?

    he didnt do that much harm. i mean it could have been so much worse!

    either way u must know it wasnt ur fault, n u must not let this be a cross ull carry.

    good luck on the future. n remember: now u are 13, now u are in control ALWAYS

    they cant harm u  

  6. Well it wasn't right, but he didn't do that much and it was so long ago 10 years? Little late to worry about it now. Besides  13 years old isn't even an adult yet he was just a kid at the time as well.

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