
Was i hugged or squished? lol random?

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i know a horse named blaze and i was in his stall and i was givin him some love. then somehow he put his head around my left shoulder and he like squished me. or tried to snap me in two. he wasent being violent or anything, he was calm and sweet

i thought it was a hug, what do u think?

lol i know, random question.

i just thought it was kinda cool, cuz i never had a horse "hug" me before




  1. Some horse like affection and attention which is fine but be careful what you allow him to do. Using his head to squeeze or hug you may be his way showing he is the dominant one in your relationship. Similiar with a dog that likes to put his paw on top of your hand. Animals try to get away with little things until you cause a big problem by letting them do it.  

  2. hug  my dog does the same thing only he jumps  up on me

  3. I would say if he wasn't being violent or rough about it, then maybe it was a hug. All animals have ways to show their affection and maybe that was his way.

  4. Horses have a blind spot, he was probably checking you out and making sure you were not like, killing him. *Give him some love* on his neck but don't hug him or stand under it because it could jerk you up and knock you out.

    Also, was he rubbing you?  If so, go back and rub your head on him.  Its a thing of dominance.

    Good luck!

  5. It was definitely a hug!! My 3 year old gelding loves to give "hugs" as soon as I go into his stall I wrap my arms around his neck and it seems as though he "hugs" me right back. It is the best feeling ever to know that your horse loves you right back. ENJOY!!!!

  6. isn't it nice to think our horses love us?

    They don't - it wasn't a hug but you're welcome to think it was - especially if he didn't hurt you.

    He probably was reacting to something you were doing.  Mine will scratch me back if I scratch them - sometimes it seems like a hug - they'll turn their heads to figgle their upper lips on a pant leg, my back or the back of my pants.  It's a natural thing for them.  Unfortunately they are not made to get that spot right over my shoulder blades that always is my itchy spot.....

    Just be careful - they don't realize their size. I once went in the stall and began scratching this big TB horse all over.  He was such a sweetie.  Soon I found him pinning me against the side of the stall nearly crushing my ribs - he didn't realize he was hurting me, he just was liking me scratching his belly....

  7. lol!

    u were definately hugged!!

  8. i have horses ike yours and yes he did hug you ......apparently he likes the way you are treating him... so keep up the good work and mabey he'll give you some more hugs

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