
Was i possesed?

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i can hear and sense ghosts i can sometimes see them. usually when i sense a ghost or spirit or anything paranormal i feel like i have to throw up and get dizzy the feeling increases if its really powerful. anyways yesterday at night i was on my computer just listening to music and searching the web. all of a sudden i felt like i was going to barf and started to get dizzy but the symptons kept increasing then i felt like i couldnt control my body anymore i started to search for stuff out of no were i didnt even know any of what i was typing. i couldnt stop i just kept typing finally the feeling vanished but i felt weird still mostly cause i was freaked out.what do you think happened? what should i do?




  1. I don't know your age, but if you are at the proper age you could possibly be pregnant. Then again you could just be coming down with a flu. It has nothing to do with being possessed. If you were possessed you wouldn't be sitting on a computer asking if you were possessed. ..

  2. I would call upon Archangel Michael and ask that he remove all negative energy and any negative entities from you and your home. Then take a salt bath.

    If it was possession related, you will have relief. If it is something else, it will continue to happen.

    Please email me if you need anything.


    BTW, if this is spiritually related, then it's not good. You don't have to have these kind of sensations to have a spiritual experience. Feeling sick to your stomach, out of control of your body and dizziness, is sometimes possesion related. Contrary to popular belief, there is a such thing as partial possession. The person has no control but they can witness everything they are doing.

    If this is possesion related, somewhere along the line you allowed an entry way to this and that opening needs to be closed/repaired. Archangel Michael can help with this.

  3. You might have the gift of discernment.

    piritual discernment : calling on the Holy Spirit to lead or give direction on a matter. It is how the Spirit shows the church or its people what God wants them to do and be.

    There is discernment of :

        * gifts,

        * spirits,

        * actions,

        * intents,

        * the spirit of the times we live in.

    Discernment is more than just a skill. Discernment is a gift from God before it is anything else. Yet there are clearly skills you put to use in using your gift, and you can become better at it through training and experience.

    Discernment is more than just a process. Even for the most 'material' or 'nitty-gritty' matters, there is a Spirit at work nudging us, leading us, even pulling us by the nose ring. Even for the most 'spiritual' matters, there are disciplines, methods, processes, means, and tools which the Spirit can work through to help us discern rightly. Discernment isn't usually a sudden zap from beyond, but something which emerges from hard work.

  4. You're preggers.

    You would be in pain far more worse than labor if you were possesed.

  5. check your house for gas leaks, radon or carbon monoxide

  6. This can only happen if ur German.Germans are most likely known to read spirits.Im German and I can do that.My friend is too.If ur not German ur just feeling things.Or your house or place you were at can be haunted.Please help with problems.THX!!;...

  7. hang over

  8. I don't think you were possessed, but I think maybe a spirit was trying to tell you something cast an order of protection

  9. Dear Lizzygrl...

    Your body and mind are going through many changes at your age. Puberty can hit a young lady such as yourself very hard. It may even be more complicated with an apparent sensitivity you seem to have to the world yet UN-seen. I suggest that you do research on this, also look through religious dogma and see what style of worship best fits your beliefs. Faith is a powerful thing and through it you may be able to get a grip on your situation. You may always contact me at anytime for information or just to chat. Peace&Love be with you...~M~

  10. i think u were and ur not crazy and its seems why would u say this if it wasn't true .

  11. a preist has arrived

    this was not a possion.if it was you would not remember any of it. I am not sure what it was but i think it was an influence. i need mor info to tell you what it was. i think i can help though. mail me and i will do everything i can. but what you have is a gift.

  12. Call a priest right away!

  13. talk to a priest,tharopist,and parents fast
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