
Was i wrong for helping this girl?

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so i live in city outside of l.a...Tonight after work i had to ride the bus home from work since my boyfriend is out of town..well while i was waiting for my bus i started talking to this girl who was about 20 and had a 2 year old daughter with her..i started talking to her and came to find out she was a ways away from home with no money and the buss wasn't running to her house ..i felt very bad and asked her just to come to my house so i could help her at first she didnt want to but she gave in ...i ended up getting a taxi for her and giving her money to get home...i thought what i did was a good thing but when i called my boyfriend and told him he wasn't happy he told me i wasn't very smart for bringing the girl to the house and that l.a. is different from where im from ...i know thing happen to ppl but this girl was 20 with a kid all alone and no way of getting home or and even when she tried to call family no one answered...

so wouldnt you have helped this person if you were in my shoes or would you have just left her there?




  1. i think it would have been best for you to have called a taxi from the bus area for her

  2. when you get home from work next monday and your house still has furniture, you did a good thing!

  3. in this world doing a good thing for some is bad thing for some one else.i am not saying that ur boyfriend is bad. a easy example , if a government will do some thing good for people, the opposition party will guarentty like to stop it or say something that is incorrect.

    u did a very good thing.congratulations and keep on doing  like that , not to ur home but to any ashram .


  4. You did take a risk bringing a stranger to your house and probably allowing her to see where you keep money etc that you got out to help her.  BF is being protective.   In this case it seems to have worked out OK and you may have been a wonderful blessing to her.   Another time you might try to think of a way to help with less risk to yourself...  As a precaution you may want to keep valuables in a different spot than where she may have seen you get your money out from.  

  5. Your heart was in the right place and you did what any caring individual would have done, But.

    I do agree with your boyfriend that you did step to a bit extremes as to inviting her to your home. But luckily in this case you had a great judge of character and nothing bad happened.

    The old small town country bumpkin' me would have gladly helped the women the same way as you did.

    But after living in the city for quite some time now I don't see myself doing something like this.

  6. Although you did a wonderful thing, it is a sad statement that in these times we have to be concerned over things as you mentioned.  I know word of mouth about a vacation got my house totally ransacked and robbed 3 years ago.  I think you just have to be vigilant, use your womanly instincts and do what you think was right.  Maybe having them wait outside next time would be cold but appropriate.

  7. depends what kind of vibes i picked up. by the way, that is very sweet of you. god thanks you for it!

  8. I would have been wary of inviting her to my home but what you did was a very generous and kind thing. You definitely should not feel bad for it! Next time just be more cautious.

  9. I think that you did the right thing. You helped somebody who was probably going to end up on the streets that night. I am getting that your sensible enought that if you were getting a bad feeling you wouldn't have helped her. I think you're very honourable :-)

  10. you have a good heart but i agree with your boyfriend. You don't know if this lady is crazy or not and you invited her into your home she could have robbed you. or this could have been a scam that she does every night.

  11. you did a very kind thing. it was the right thing. good job, you're helping the world, a little bit at a time :)

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