
Was i wrongly sold my double glazed windows. ?

by Guest66999  |  earlier

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this sales man came to my door about 7 months ago selling windows he said how good these windows were at keeping the heat in ,and that there would pay for themselves within 6 months, so i let this company fit these now this companys wanting payment.. what should i do, why do i have to pay anything when this guy told me there would pay for themselves in 6 months ,im so confused can any one help.




  1. I F#@*£NG hate door to door salesmen, I always keep an AK next to the door just in case one of them gets a bit pushy or ideas above his station. Best thing to do is, next time they come round your house looking for payment, explain that you misunderstood them and if they don't back down blow them away. Works every time.

  2. You've got to be kidding me!  The windows may pay for themself in energy savings over a period of years, but there is no way that you didn't know you were applying for credit when you purchased this service, is there?  There must have been a contract with pricing, terms, payment, that you signed......If not, you may have a claim.  Check with your State's licensing and county attorney if you feel you've been ripped off.

  3. Yes you do have to pay for the windows. You did not understand that he was saying that the cost would be offset by the savings in heating , not that the windows would actually get a job and pay for themselves.  

  4. Just in case you're not kidding:

    Those windows are supposed to 'pay for themselves' by reducing

    your heating and cooling bills.

    "Six months" is pretty optimistic, but if they're any good, they

    will pay for themselves eventually.

    You've got to pay for the windows and wait for the 'payback`.

  5. This is common practice in salesmanship. Tell some one the product will pay for itself and have him sign a contract, have the windows replaced and then six months send a bill, with intrest for the window replacement. A basic window that is single pane with a storm window and screen is basically a double pane with except the E glass may be reflective and the newer window may be a better insulator. My house has the older windows and they are great. I have had several window salesmen who have tried to have me replace my windows. Unless the windows were letting in lots of cold air in the winter there is no real advantage to replaceing your windows. The salesman meant that the windows would pay for themself in winter by helping cut your heating bill If you use the whole house air conditioner , heat pumps, then he is also saying your windows will pay for themself by lowering your air conditioner bill. If you look at what you had in windows, the type window and how much your heating/air conditioner bills were and compare you can see how much you are saveing. If the bills are about the same you had the good heavy glass Pella or Frost guard/ Anderson windows and you will see no change.  I would call the salesman and tell him what you find on comparassion of before and now. If there is little differance then you basically have new windows that look great now you must pay the installation bill. I hope your old windows were of poor quality and you will see a great improvement in heating and air conditioner bills so you will pay for them in savings over the next ten years. It pays to read the fine print when you sign a contract. Know before signing. Give the saleman a call. You can look up the heat rating of your old windows and then look up the same ratings on your new windows, and compare. You can look up all details on your new windows and compare to what you had. If the improvements are not as what was described to you then you have fraud and a case for not paying. You have to compare to know. If you had  good windows and replace them with inferior windows you have a good case. The only way that would happen is if they did not replce all windows so you have at least one to compare. You have a lot of work to do for a true comparrison on savings.

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