
Was interrupting the Republican Convention a big mistake, did the Republicans permanently lose momentum?

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I know it may have been the right thing to do, but momentum and organization of message is really important.




  1. You can't help hurricanes, and it was the right thing to do, momentum.....we are kicking Obamas butt!

  2. I doubt it made much difference. They were offering free buses to fill the hall for his coming speech. They would have had a poor turnout either way. This just made it worse.

  3. republicans have to find things to keep the game close. otherwise, they would run away with it and nobody would be watching or interrested.

  4. its been a sucess so far...

    the log cabin republicans endorsed McCain

  5. allowed them to give Bush a marginal role (he's not even going to be on-site)...and it allows them to keep pushing the image as "the party that works" rather than the "party that parties..."

    ...and as for "momentum"....Palin has dominated the "hype machine" that has been Obama's biggest tool....By attacking her, the "usual suspects" stop their chants of praise for THAT is momentum that is hard to get back...

  6. No they  would have looked like idiot had they tried to celebrate while people were losing their homes and dying

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