
Was / is there a Texas law forbidding young women from eating raw onion after 6 pm (in Nacogdoches)?

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I read this in a book, Garlic & Onions, p 30, by Margaret Briggs, Abbeydale Press, 2007.




  1. There are many silly or stupid laws that are still in effect (though rarely enforced) not only throughout the US but the world. Enjoy the site that I have attached, it's worth a good laugh!

  2. There is no state law for sure.  There could theoretically be a city ordinance that crazy, but I doubt it.  

    Even if it were on the books as an ordinance, it would surely not be constitutionally enforceable as it probably would be a violation of the Equal Protection Clause because it discriminates against women for no apparent reason.

  3. Odds are yes. It is very rare that any law is ever removed.

    There are lays like in California it is illegal to tie a giraffesto a lamppost.

    in a southern state, it is illegal to have s*x with a porcupine.

    In maine it is illegal to own a shellfish of any kind, dead or alive.

    There are millions of dumb laws, and no one wants to spend the time or money to remove them.

    That being said, this is why you NEVER talk to police. You ALWAYS need to have a lawyer present, no matter how small the situation. If an officer is talking to you, odds are he is trying to give you a ticket or arrest you, and he can arrest you for any law you might confess to. So lets say you were talking to an officer one night about a shooting in the area. You tell him you were eating onion soup for dinner when you heard the shot. Bam, he can arrest you now for that dumb law.  

  4. There probably was at one point,but now its most likely not. Woman rights and common sense would prevent that from staying a law.

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