
Was it GHOSTS???????

by  |  earlier

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I was listening to the radio and it kept going really really loud for about 15 seconds then quiet and then back to normal. It did this about 3 times. Ghosts??




  1. My answer to that would actually be a question for you.  Have you recently lost someone that maybe trying to contact you?  Did you have a strong connection with some one that you would ride in the car a lot with or listen to music with? If so, I would say that person is trying to contact you. If not, maybe somethings up with the radio and you should have it checked out.  I am a strong believer in ghosts. But sometimes its not a ghost but just a short in the wires or something like that. But if you had a recent loss I would lean more towards a ghostly explination.

  2. sometimes things like that just happen.

    Last night when watching tv the voices on it kept on getting higher and lower. it was probably just a glitch

  3. This could be a thamalul.  They suck blood, so make sure to wrap your neck with blankets before you go to sleep.

  4. It sounds more like a short in your radio..... Because what ever was happening only effected your radio and your lights and everything else electrical stayed the same........... So no it was not a spirit..........

  5. no your radio is just bad
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