
Was it God's Willâ„¢ for Sarah Palin to get books banned?

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WASILLA -- Back in 1996, when she first became mayor, Sarah Palin asked the city librarian if she would be all right with censoring library books should she be asked to do so.

According to news coverage at the time, the librarian said she would definitely not be all right with it. A few months later, the librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, got a letter from Palin telling her she was going to be fired. The censorship issue was not mentioned as a reason for the firing. The letter just said the new mayor felt Emmons didn't fully support her and had to go.

Emmons had been city librarian for seven years and was well liked. After a wave of public support for her, Palin relented and let Emmons keep her job.

It all happened 12 years ago and the controversy long ago disappeared into musty files. Until this week. Under intense national scrutiny, the issue has returned to dog her. It has been mentioned in news stories in Time Magazine and The New York Times and is spreading like a virus through the blogosphere.

The entire story can be found here

Book banners running the country?




  1. She is beginning to scare the h**l out of me.  And I've always thought that people who said that about political candidates were a bit delusional.  I always liked McCain even though I don't agree with much of his politics.  I'm probably the only one in this country who thought we could be in a win/win for president.  Not any more.

  2. I don't understand why people think this is okay. It's not the government's job to censor the people. They are not protecting us from anything we cannot do ourselves. People are lazy and they want someone else to shield their children or themselves for them.  Banning books is effing retarded.  Monitor what your children read. Do some research - the internet is easily accessible.  

    The fact she was trying to get this woman fired for that is scary - if McCain gets elected and then his oldass dies - this bit ch could be president. This vindictive catty psycho religious nut could someday be the commander in chief. How effin scary is that? This can't happen. Let's all move to Canada. They'll be closing their borders if McCain gets elected because of the mad rush to get out of the country and the horrors that would await us. It's insane.

  3. OMG, Laptop.  This truly just gets scarier and scarier.  

  4. The more I hear about her, the more frightened I am that people might actually vote McCain into office.  She's kind of hardcore nutjob psycho, if you ask me.  Granted, I've never met the woman in person, but I think it safe to say nobody would want to have been her daughter when she popped the news about being preggo.  Imagine if SHE had wanted to have an abortion.  Or maybe that IS what she wanted...

    Whack job! Whack job!

  5. Well what book was she asked to censor? If it was "An Idiot's Guide to Abducting and Raping Children" then I would have no problem with it.

    In general censorship is almost always wrong, but that isn't to say there aren't cases I could see it being warranted.

  6. I also read in the Quick newspaper she's also against contraception! We need to keep those religious wackos out of the white house.

  7. the sad thing is, both sides of the political spectrum have tried to ban books, remember a few years ago when liberals wanted Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer banned because of the racist names in it? even though those were common terms at the time they were wrote?

  8. Clearly not, otherwise they'd have a record of banned books.

    We have no idea what books she was "after," if any, and I can imagine myself asking any number of similar rhetorical questions in different circumstances.  Perhaps she was checking to see how easily the librarian would be swayed by the opinions of someone over her.  I don't know.

    --EDIT-- "Sarah said to Mary Ellen, 'What would your response be if I asked you to remove some books from the collection?"

    With all due respect, in a conversational tone only, how do we know that she was seeking to get books banned?

  9. Ok..I'm an Atheist. But GOD help you guys if you vote McPain and Stalin

  10. So...she doesn't like her ex-brother-in-law....bye ex-brother-in-law...

    Doesn't like the librarian....bye librarian

    Possibly doesn't like John McCain...bye John McCain...

    Doesn't like anyone who isn't a Christian...bye anyone who isn't a Christian.

    Remember, we're dealing with someone who called for the secession of Alaska from the United States...and now they want her to be the VP and possible President!?

  11. People who ban books are anti-knowledge and therefore should not be any position of authority.


    Thank you, Mr. Cathartes aura.

  12. She seems like a psycho.

  13. WHAT.

    That ***** is not going to be a heartbeat away from running MY country.

    "People who ban books are anti-knowledge and therefore should not be any position of authority."

    A MILLION THUMBS UP, BROTHER.  This is wrong, wrong, wrong.

  14. Firstly I would want to see the  Librarian in question's voter registration card,

    THEN  I would say let's see the list of books Palin wanted banned, surely, if she wanted to have books banned then there would have to be a list of them....

    Last time I was in a library I actually checked to see if they have at least one copy of "Mein Kampf"... they had three.. And "Hammer of Witches", one copy. Both pretty vile works of you ask me... but I would never support banning them.

    I might go ask my local librarian if she would be ok with "Banning certain books".    I don't think this would mean that I am wanting to ban certain books...

    the body of evidence is very weak in this story....Hearsay really..

    I didn't like it when hearsay nearly brought down Clinton and I won't like it if hearsay brings down Sarah Palin..

    Like Harry truman, the unwilling transvestite, I want you to SHOW ME..... I am not from MO. though..

    EDIT for Jon Jon, I am about as liberal as they come... I won't be voting for McCain nor for Palin, nor the racist Pig Obama....  But I like facts...  Sarah Palins Husband Todd once belonged to a sessecionist political party, Sarah Palin has been a registered Republican since her 18th birthday, she has never once called for the sessesion of Alaska from the United states..

    Untruth does nothing to further a cause...

    Sarah Palin's anti-choice stance, her ultra concervatism, and her Pentecostal beleifs suffice my opposition to her candicay...I don't need to augment my real reasons with bullshit like this...

  15. Can you believe her explanation? a test of loyalty?

    To who? HER?!?

    I'm glad the librarian's loyalty was to the constitution and not this idiot.

    Also the article talks about her "testing the loyalty" of other city officials.  Add troopergate to this equation and all I see is a dictator.

  16. What was McCain thinking when he picked her?

    Whether you like Palin or not, this shows a huge flaw in McCain's campaign.    Never mind the 'i's being dotted or the 't's being crossed, this looks like nothing was written at all.   Due diligence was not done on vetting this VP.

    If he gets elected what will due diligence be done on?  Or will policy be set by McCain shooting from the hip?

  17. The article says that no books were actually banned.  But I would like to know what the books in question are, as someone previously mentioned there are books that would be inappropriate for a public library.

  18. Seeking to get books banned sucks, but it is still a matter of personal opinion - which she has the right to express. Using a position of power to apparently EXTORT others to side with you makes a person a crappy human being.

  19. Thanks for the heads up on that one Lap Top!  I would be curious to know what books were deemed "unsuitable" in the first place.

    Glad that the public backed up the librarian and she kept her job.   Bad move on Palin's part - what else will we learn about her?  

  20. She is almost as bad as the people that want to implement Age Banding.

  21. The choices for this election are more and more making me feel like the end is near......maybe the 2012 doomsayers are more right than we think!

  22. If public outrage prevented her from removing a librarian who would not comply with her directions on this matter, I'd say it wasn't "meant to be' for her to get books banned.  Censorship sucks.

  23. Haven't the "Was it God's Will" questions run their course yet, I'm starting to miss "Am I going to h**l" and "What should I do"

  24. Sounds like a case of sour grapes, to me..  

  25. i hate her so much.

  26. Yet another reason to make sure she does not get in office.

  27. I do not like fundies or smarmy athies.  But I really hate liars.  She never was able to ban one book, unlike your question suggests.  And if you are that clueless, let me help.  The VP doesnt run anything.

  28. the more I hear about Palin, the more convinced I get that McCain is either absolutely, unimaginably incompetent, or essentially trying to throw the election.

  29. Wow thats disturbing!!  Book burning is fascist thinking.  I wouldnt even ban the bible (the crappiest, most dangerous book ever written)

  30. Getting books banned is one thing but trying to fire someone and who is doing their job well is frightening who just does not agree with your politics is another.   Sounds like what Bush did with the US attorneys ......

  31. this is seriously scary...banning books is what hitler did...

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