
Was it Saturn that I saw last night ?

by Guest63132  |  earlier

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I could not get my telescope out and looking east to the left side of a moon toward Dover about,I saw a bright yellow object and if it is Saturn it looked bright as Jupiter. It could not have been a star.




  1. I recommend you install Stellarium (, so you can see it for yourself.

  2. saturn is setting at dusk. you saw jupiter.

  3. hmmm.. maybe, i could tell. if only i saw what you saw

  4. Jupiter. Saturn would be very low in the western sky at northern dusk.

  5. Saturn is fairly bright, but not as bright as Jupiter. It would be setting around that time, so Saturn would be in the west.

    If you see Saturn again it will be part of a triplet. Mars is just underneath it along with the star Regulus, in the constellation of Leo.

    Jupiter rises in the south east around 10:30pm, but it is much brighter than anything else and is on its own. You can't miss it.

  6. Hi i noticed this object too about 2 nights ago (from londonderry northern ireland) so I'd be in the same timezone as you.

    I looked throught a telescope and Im almost sure it was jupiter because there was a few pinpricks of light around it that looked like its moons. That's probably what you saw. It was very bright in the sky indeed.

  7. The only thing in that area of the sky that is as bright as Jupiter is... Jupiter.

    I looked at that area last night (also without telescope) and saw nothing unusual.  However, I am 5 time zones behind you.

    Saturn is already setting in the West by that time.

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