
Was it a driving error or suspension failure?

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on Timo glocks Toyota?




  1. It looked like suspension failure but I am not sure whether the failure occured after he had initially lost control of his car.

  2. Unless he hit a wall or another car his suspension shouldn't break, he could ride hard all the kerbs on every corner of every lap for all I care.

    So either a component failure or a previous accident of sorts.

  3. I believe its a suspension failure. That is Glock's second massive crah of the season, remember Australia?

    I think it was Austrailia anyway.

  4. Suspension failure, you could see the rear left (off side rear) suspension collapsing

  5. that was the question i used to ask about kimi in his final year with mclaren, was ferrari that more reliable than the mc laren or was kimi just driving it into the ground?

    i didnt see enough of glock yesterday to see if he was hitting things or being hit by things to damage his suspension

  6. In my opinion, both, Driver and Suspension failure... Because T.Glook attacked some kerbs.

    It is the cause of suspension failure...

  7. that was very obvious, his car's suspension broke / failed.

  8. You could clearly see the right rear suspension fail just before he was spun across the track and shoved into the wall. It looked to be one heck of an impact, i'm glad he's ok.

  9. Suspension.

    Trulli was slow in the latter phase of the race. Maybe the team was concerned about his car as well.

    The way in which FIA extricated Timo was a bit dodgy. They should have been more cautious and used the extrication cell rather than let him hop out of the car. Spinal precautions? None. Very bad.

  10. Suspension failure. There was no way what he did could have caused that accident unless he clouted somebody else earlier and the useless ITV coverage missed it as usual.

  11. Suspension, it just collapsed out from under him. I was really worried he'd been badly hurt for a while.

  12. suspension faliure

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