
Was it a dumb idea for Sarah Palin to mention the "bridge to nowhere" since she initially supported it?

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Do the Republicans really want to give that kind of ammo to Obama's camp?




  1. Not only did she support it, she kept the money.

  2. "I voted for it, before I voted against it." - John Kerry

  3. yes it was dumb  but not as dumb as McCain choosing her for his running mate

  4. No.  It was a smart decision.  She initially supported it, realized it wasn't as good of an idea as they had initially planned, then cut her losses early before wasting more $$!!

    Next question, please!!

  5. Uh, no, because one should always expose one's own skeletons, and whoever doesn't have any, is just adapt at hiding them FOR THE TIME BEING.  Besides, if the US Congress is STUPID enough to throw that money to one's constituency, what kind of dolt does it take to turn it down..?

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