
Was it a ghost or a dream?

by  |  earlier

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ok last night I was all beat and tired so I just crashed on my bed and I feel asleep, then I heard some kind of knock on my door, a soft knock, my parents was at my grandmas house so I was alone in the house, well I got so pissed cause it kept on happening that time and I open the door no one was there, then I went back in my room and shut the door again and slept, now Im freaked!! I HATE GHOST!! had bad experience with it as a kid.




  1. okay obviously it wasnt a dream cuz you said that you got up and checked to see who wuz knockin on the door it might've been someone messin with you but most likely it wuz a ghost you also said you were home alone if someone wuz messin with you then that person must've been really really fast and quiet while he/she wuz knockin on your door doubt it if you're having ghost problems hang a crucifix up on your door, carry around some holy water and try to avoid staying home alone if you're freaked outta your mind praying also helps or just ignore it completely good luck  

  2. Sorry to say but ghosts are not real. Sometimes when you want to believe something, your minds plays tricks on you and you actually start to see something. Probably you had fluff in your eye..

  3. i had a bad expierence too, but you get used to them around your house. but what happened that made you hate ghosts?

  4. about one or two years ago at  night  when i was like 12 the closet door on my room moved by itself ...even my brother was there with me and it wasnt a dream so i thought it had to be a ghost otherwise what else can it be? we will never know?

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