
Was it a good idea for me to buy....

by  |  earlier

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1000 shares of WFC today?




  1. If you're even asking that question now, after having apparently bought it, and asking it to perfect strangers, then the answer is probably "No."  You should never be buying stock if you don't know what you're doing, and if you're asking that question here, then you don't know what you're doing.

  2. It depends what methodology you use. I never hold a stock more than a few hours before I trade. If you are a sit and hold type of trader, then you will have to wait about one week and see. Now if Obama gets elected, then chicken stocks will be good, but if he doesn't then who knows? Oh, sorry I thought you said "KFC"...

  3. I can't think of a reason in the world why not.

    Wells Fargo is a good company, does a solid business, and has enough balance to weather the storms that are sinking lesser banks and financial institutions. The dividend won't hurt either.

    Quit kicking yourself for second-guessing. Let your money sit and grow.

    Now if you were trading, well you are a tad bit late to the game and missed the big wave a few days ago.

  4. Sure what you do in your paper account doesn't matter anyway.

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