
Was it a good idea to move out all those people from New Orleans?

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Was it a good idea to move out all those people from New Orleans?




  1. had they not been moved, the Republicans would be blamed for them not having the basic supplies they need. Instead, they are going to be blamed for people returning to New Orleans when there is no power or clean water and the problems that will bring.  Just can't win.  

  2. Nagin is a joke. The Katrina factor will cause all of the hurricanes to make people evacuate.

    I'm not sure if i spelled Ray Nagins name correctly.  I think that the Katrina event was so bad, that no one with good sense would stay in New Orleans with all the warning that were given prior to the Hurricane touchdown.

    Truth is Not every storm will be a Katrina.  If people live in New Orleans, they got to know they're in danger of flooding.

    I think they did the right thing.

    Better safe than sorry. No one wanted to leave their homes.  

    But I live in Oklahoma and 2000 evacuees came here on buses. 20 have been arrested ..

    So for some it was a vacation.

    Me personally without any children.  I'd stay land honker down. LOL.

  3. no it wasnt;

  4. It was the prudent choice to make. What do you think?



  5. No one knew what the hurricane was going to do for sure, so out of precaution, I think it was a good idea for everyone to evacuate.  I think Nagan put on a teeny tiny show specifically to get people to listen to him and follow his instructions to get out of the city.  Even if he was wrong about it being the most devastating storm in history, it got everyone's attention to get out just in case it really was devastating.

  6. hurricanes are really unpredictable! if it had hit & people hadn't left it would have been bad! did you see all that water surged into the industrial canal? I was worried fur sure. It was a blessing that the storm went west, and the city was spared.

  7. Best be safe than sorry but it was more of a nusience than anything else.

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