
Was it a m/c or a second period ?

by  |  earlier

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hello ,

ive been on the pill for about 1 1/2 months (cerazette) and you arnt supposed to get any periods. at the begining i took a pregnancy test and it was negative so i could only be 11/2 months. me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected s*x (well with the pill) for most of that time. i have missed about 5 pills in the time ive been on it and admittedly sometimes had unprotected s*x like the day after or something. then about 10 days before i was due to come on i came on. only light but i bled for about 11 days. then i came off. on saturday me and my boyfriend had unprotected s*x again , and in morning i realised i had bled quite alot and i carried on throughout the day but then it stopped . what was it ? was it just some irregular bleeding , a second period or maybe even a m/c ?? im so confused. thankyou.




  1. You are probably getting your period. Don't miss your pill unless you are trying to get pregnant. You can still have your period while you are on the pill. If it isn't working for you and you forget to take it consider an IUD, they work great.  

  2. Its hard to say. The fact you've been irreg with your pills can cause you to have periods. I always got mine early if I wasn't consistant with my pills. Plus the pills haven't had alot of time to get into your system so you could still have periods for the first couple months. If you're really worried, go see your dr.

    PS If you miss even one pill, you need to use condoms.  

  3. you still might be pregnant.

  4. it may be a reaction to the pill. or when you missed it those five days ( in a row or not) it could of gotten confused or something and you are now having periods again. it could also be because of the unprotected s*x.

    it might of been blocking a diesease and is now out of your system and it is not working. you may want to talk to your doctor about it.

  5. It could just be that because you missed some pills its messed your system up a bit.  I was on cerazette for 6 months and didn't get a period so it could be that.  I know when i was microgynon before missing pills would mess me up in a big way!  As long as the bleeding setttled and you aren't in any pain then don't worry.  I've had miscarriages and my last one was very painful altho they aren't always.

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