
Was it a mistake that Obama didn't pick Hillary Clinton as his VP?

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Was Clinton a better choice than Biden?




  1. no she would not have done it anyways she want to be number one not number two. I just wonder if he did or did not ask her?

  2. no, b/c he going to lose anyway

  3. No, democrats are very smart. They have something planned that we probably can't even imagine. I would love to see Hillary as the head of the Universal Health care dept. She & Bill have been talked about as being Supreme court judges. She can be Secretary of State that is a very important job. Obama & Biden fit together like a hand & glove. I think it is all in perfect divine right order & look forward to seeing how great they make our country. Meanwhile, 7000 people lost their houses today. $12 billion going to Iraq. McCain lied about his war story instead of people just looking into it they defend him. They can search the Vietnam Veterans against McCain & look at the videos. There is one of the hearing when he walks out on the women representing families of P.O.W's. People want to know who Obama bought his house from but they won't look at this. Besides do we ever ask McCain who he bought his houses from. Do we really know how many we bought from bankrupt people & mortgage crisis people. His buddies create this crisisis.

  4. Nope.

    But I know that McCain made a huge mistake choosing Palin and not vetting her enough.

  5. I think Obama would have won if he picked Hillary.

    However at this point, I don't think he has a shot anymore.

  6. No.  Too much has been said for either Obama or Clinton to have picked each other as VP.  That is why in the debates they were asked if they would pick the other to run with them and they both were quiet with a big smile.

    Biden was a mistake though.  Obama should have known what McCain would do.  Carville even warned this would happen.  Biden is an ultra liberal like Obama which dis-associates them from the standard democrat.  Most of my democrat friends have always said they would vote for McCain if no decent democratic candidate was running.  They have all confirmed that with me recently.

    What is really strange is my hard core republican friends shocked me and said that if Hillary would have been the nominee, they would have voted for her over McCain.  It tells me that the dnc may have made a huge mistake.

    It is the strangest election ever.  The good thing is more people have got involved in this one than ever before.

  7. She might've been the better choice to get female voters, but that's about it. Biden has more experience than Clinton does and he's going to tear Palin to bits at the debates.

  8. I don't think so. I really don't like Hillary Clinton that much. I do think that if she had been picked somewhere down the line, Obama would be assassinated or in a staged car accident and his body rolled down a hill, so she could be president.  

  9. I think Clinton might have made for a stronger ticket, but Biden is solid enough.

  10. it's never wise to choose a high powered opponent as your running mate.

  11. Maybe, but I think Obama didn't want to get upstaged by her because she is more qualified and more popular.  I also think Hillary is a shoe in for 2012.

  12. ABSOLUTELY, she was even a better pick for the top of the ticket, if Obama would have chosen her, they would have won by a landslide, maybe even better than Regan did on his second term election.  But alas, the dems/libs don't want women to succeed, they want to keep them down, the treatment of Hillary by them was sad, you would have thought the party would have grown past this sad and obvious sexism, evidently not

  13. No, it was no mistake.  If Hillary were the VP, she'd have Obama killed so she could take the office.

  14. No. They are way too far apart philosophically for that to have been a workable ticket.

    Obama is not like McCain. He is not just out to pick the running mate who will be the best electoral asset. He has chosen someone whose strengths prop up his own weaker areas, whose record on foreign policy is unequalled, who is not into self aggrandising one upmanship and who actually has a head AND a heart for politics.

    Hillary is a conceited show pony who sold out lifelong principles in order to buoy her rapidly failing primaries campaign. She denigrated Obame personally and professionally, stirred up racial tensions between  working class whites and African Americans and  between Hispanics and African Americans in  order to further her own political agenda.

    Not only would that have made her morally unacceptable as VP but she would have been electoral poison for the ticket. McCain is already using HER words in his ads.

    What would they have done had she been on the ticket? Wake up!

  15. Foghorn Leghorn is a better choice than Biden.

    Clinton had her time. It's over!

  16. Nope, why pick someone who ran against you to work with you?

  17. actually the mistake was made before then when the DNC promoted Obama over Hillary.

    The powers to be in the DNC led the democratic voters to the candidate they wanted.  The sheep fell in line and gave the DNC what they wanted.  The party is just as fractured as the vote was between Obama and Clinton.

    In my opinion, both choices were wrong...that's why I'm voting McCain.

  18. Obama cant be blamed for making mistake of not picking a better VP, he just doesnt have the experience yet.

  19. Yes and no. In short, though, the only way he could have guaranteed a united Democratic Party was under an Obama-Clinton nomination.

  20. I think time is going to have to tell on this one.

    I think he carefully considered it.

    I think he was afraid that picking Clinton would make him weak looking like he needed to her to help him stand up for himself.  So that is a very big negative.

    But I think that a lot of her voters won't get on board with him now, and either won't vote or might vote for McCain.  

  21. Yep, Hillary was a much better choice than ego-maniac & selfish interest Biden. Now it may cost Obama many women supporters and independent voters.

    John McCain picked up on that and picked Sarah Palin. What an awesome pick.

    Which is why I'm voting McCain/Palin because they put COUNTRY FIRST.  

  22. They were PRAYING that he'd pick Hillary.  She has high negatives and a lot of people (unfairly) don't like her.  The GOP would have done their best to transfer their disgust about Bill and their deluded idea of how things went during his Administration to her.

  23. no mccain made the mistake

  24. I don't think so. I don't want Clinton in our government

  25. Obama picked Biden because he would rather have someone he knows on a deep level and someone he can work with.  If he had picked Hillary, he would be acting in the same way as McCain who only picked Palin because she's a woman. McCain barely knows Palin.  

  26. That wouldve been an unstoppable ticket. But, Biden is solid too.

  27. Obama was clearly scared to have some one many times smarter than him that close to him.but now it looks like it makes no difference with McCain heading for the white house...

  28. No, he has done research on his choice.  Unlike McCain who only had a coin flip to selecting his last minute person over Romney...

  29. It was a mistake the democrats did not pick Hillary Clinton to run for president.

  30. Yes, things would have been more interesting and he would have increased his chances of winning this election, but he has his wife to thank for that.  

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