
Was it a panic attack?????????

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So I had been excited about this party on Friday for the whole week and then suddenly like an hour or two before the party I started to freak out. For some reason I was just SO scared to go! I was crying and my heart felt like it was beating fast (seriously, I rarely cry, and I was BAWLING!) . I just felt so scared! Then I started to think of crazy ways that I could get out of it (like punching a wall to break my hand, or jumping off the balcony to break my leg). It was just completely ridiculous! About 30 or 40 minutes I was all better and I went to the party. So here's my question:

1. Was it a panic attack

2. If it was, how can I tell my parents (something EXACTLY like this happened when I was at a conditioning camp a while back and they just dismissed it as me being a crazy 14 year old with hormone issues)

Thank you SO much for your help!

God Bless





  1. I have panic attacks, and I don't think (for sure) that you had one.  Usually, you feel that death is somehow imminent.  You also feel like you're about to suffocate, because you are literally so tense that you can't breathe, or forget to breathe.  Your chest gets very tight.  Tho kooky, you were rationally planning a way to get out of the party.  During a panic attack, all you can focus on is not dying within the next few minutes.  All that said?  I'm not sure what you experienced, other than some very intense emotions that put you on the verge of irrationality.  I'm glad you pulled out of it and went to the party :)

  2. Just sounds like bad PMS and hormones after all you are 14.  Nothing that you described even sounds close to one.  

  3. Yes it was. I get them from time to time, when I am under great amounts of stress etc....It's all about breathing...and concentrating on breath alone...nothing else....I know it's hard, but whenever you get like this, focus only on your breathing...I often find it helps to sit down and put your had between your knees and just breathe in and out, until you feel your heart slow back down to normal...some suggest the paper bag thing, But I've never tried that...

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