
Was it an african-american who invented the word..Niggerigged and what exacttly is it suppose to mean? ?

by  |  earlier

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seriously! and by the way I am African-american....




  1. I am guessing that thry got slaves from Nigeria, Africa and just called them that. Like people in Texas are called Texans, but i thnk i should know why that is part of history. [you shouldn't have put this on here cuz some people are racist. *cough* *cough* i think ya know what i mean.]

  2. It actually came from the word jury rig, which had to do with something nautical, it evolved to jerry rig, and then there is the derogatory term. See below.

  3. Well, I don't think we can pinpoint which one of us "invented" the word. It just caught on like a new dance (I mean really; which one of us "invented" the running man?"). We say "Niggerrigged", white people say "Jerryrigged". Same thing. Basically, to "niggerrig" means to fix something or make it work without having all the necessary parts; or adding your own to make it functional. Kind of like we did back in the day with black and white tv's, some rabbit ears, and aluminum foil.  Hope that answers your question!

  4. I think slave holders were the first to make the word. It doesn't have a specific meaning, it's just meant to hurt black people.

  5. It means black people use what they have if they cant afford it to fix what they are fixing For example;when your bumper falls off you use tape to put it back on Ha!

  6. It was most likely a racist/slaveholder.

  7. "I'm a lead farmer MOTHER F*CKER"

  8. I don't know.

  9. It is a term to indicate fixing things in a substandard or cheap way.

    I would think it was not an African American who invented the word.

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