
Was it cancer of the brain that made kennedy to endorse Obama or the damage was done driving off the bridge

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there are plenty in ma who think he should never have been allowed to serve again after leaving that girl to die,




  1. i think mentally, all obama worshippers have driven off a cliff.  how can any sane person chant "O-BA-MA!  O-BA-MA!" without having some serious deformity or major malfunction of the brain?

    look at all of obama's mindless you-tube followers.   talk about idiots...millions of them.

  2. He did his research and decided Obama was the right choice.  From early on in the campaign, Kennedy has backed, supported, and even  campaigned for Obama.

    When Kennedy was sick, he asked Obama to represent him for some of his obligations that he could not meet.  That was the cement that let everyone know, Kennedy will put everything that he has into backing Obama.  He really, really believes in Obama and wants to see Obama win.

  3. Thank goodness the ignorance belongs to the MINORITY this year !

  4. Took you that long to come up with this. WoW.

  5. Kudos to "Obama Blows"   NO_BAMA

  6. Me oh my, The stooping has hit rock bottom. Just give a punk a key board.

  7. I don't like Obama but that was uncalled for.

    There is an expression, "Never kick a man when he's down."

    Just as all those jokes about Tony Snow were inappropriate, so is this.  Next time you think the liberals are in the gutter, recognize you're right there with them.

    You need to apologize.

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