
Was it inhumane for God to subject Polar bears and Penguins to the middle east heat when they came to the ark?

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Surely they didn't have air conditioning either on their long trek from the polar regions, or during their stay on the ark. I wonder how many had to start out the journey to guarantee that at least one of each s*x made it to Noah alive?




  1. The world was a different sort of place then it is now.  The world, I believe at some point in our history was all tropical .  I believe during the time in the Garden of Eden before the fall the world was all tropical.  The ice age is the result after the flood.  I heard awhile ago the polar ice caps are from the ice age.  Now remember God is the giver of life.  He also takes it back.  God is in control.  God would sustain them.  He has that power.  :o)  

  2. Luckily for God, PETA didn't exist at that time.

  3. Most Muslim scholars believe that the flood during Noah's time was local.

  4. Without getting into a debate whether the flood actually happened, the alternative at least for the polar bear was extinction. Since any creature that could survive in the water survived anyway, I'm not sure if the penguins were in that group.

  5. Polar Bears and Penguins were different then. The north and south poles were warm--there wasn't any snow or cold weather. In time the poles got cold and the Polar Bears and Penguins evolved into creatures that thrived in cold weather.  

  6. the polar bear's skin and fur is so effective at absorbing heat that they sometimes lie on the snow to cool off.

    i just wonder what being crammed in a poorly ventilated boat on a hot climate would do to them.

  7. Better than their dying.  As to how many the Bible says two of each species.  If God can make it rain 40 days and 40 nights, surely he can keep two of each species alive!

  8. LOL.  I don't know about the whole mythology of Christianity either, how it's all explained.  There are some good lessons from the Bible, but others are just confusing.

  9. God isn't humane, everything about Him is driven by Holiness.

  10. would you have ratherd them die and become exctinc ,,but why does it matter anyway humans are killing them know with all this pollution

  11. Animals adapt quite well. If they did not, all zoos would be considered inhuman. Not saving any animals would also be inhumane.

      Not all animals existing today were on the ark. There would not have been enough room. God set species development in motion. For example, from only two dogs came the provable evolution of many kinds and sizes of dogs just as God designed.  

  12. They would not have survived....further proof it never happened

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